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Psalm 118
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Psalm 118
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Monday, 7 March 2011
Mark 9:1 Three Span Bridge
Markan Interpretation COMMENT at End Forth Bridges "The Markan episode traditionally known as the transfiguration actually consi...
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Mk 8:31Sacra Pagina The first Passion Prediction
In addition to the previous Post, there is further clarification from ..... Sacra Pagina MARK 8 The first Passion Prediction.. (8:27-38) …...
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Jerusalem Bible 'prove'? Mark 2:10
Mass Fri 14 January Gospel Mark 2:1-12. The thoughts of the presiding priest spotlighted the Jerusalem Bible translation of Mark ...
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Papal Visit - Month Mind
Mass Saturdy 16 Oct. - Month Mind of the Pope's Mass It was the first occasion on which I wore the Papal Visit Chasuble at Nunraw. ...
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