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Pope Madrid WYD
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Pope Madrid WYD
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Friday, 30 September 2011
Pope Madrid WYD debit account
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: father patrick ... Sent: Wednesday, 28 September 2011, 13:44 Subject: Madrid Profits from WYD M...
Thursday, 25 August 2011
WYD 2011: Pope praises the "soul of Spain" as he departs.
Thank you, Fr. Patrick, passing on this message from the Mayor of Madrid. Other great encouragement from WYD 2011: Pope praises the ...
The Highpoint of WYD
World Youth Day - Madrid airport, Vigil and final Mass INTERVIEW The Highpoint of WYD Bishop Munilla Discusses the Consecration of ...
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
One of the moments of the youth gathering that most moved the Pope was the Via Crucis
Vigil with Youth at Airport - Vis Crucis WYD 2011: Full text of the Pope’s address at the end of the Via Crucis By POPE BENEDICT XVI...
Friday, 19 August 2011
Pope Receives enthusiastic greeting in Spain
----- Forwarded Message ---- From: father patrick ... Sent: Fri, 19 August, 2011 14:27:13 Subject: Pope Receives enthusiastic greeti...
World Youth Day - One English Pilgrim's thoughts and feelings
----- Forwarded Message ---- From: father patrick . . . Sent: Fri, 19 August, 2011 16:28:35 Subject: World Youth Day - One English Pi...
Pope in Madrid OnLine Mail pictures
Pictures in Madrid http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2027393/Pope-restores-calm-Madrid-protest-storm-lands-Spain-4-day-tour.html ...
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