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Psalm 118
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Psalm 118
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Herd at refectory window Saturday, 27 October 2012 Our Lady Saturday Memorial From a Sermon by Saint Aelre...
Our Lady Saturday Memorial
iBreviary for: iPhone/iPad Android Mobile Our Lady - Doorway of Faith News.va: lo strumento di evangelizzazione al servizio del...
Friday, 26 October 2012
COMMENT: The 'missing verse' in Sirach 24:18/24.
Christ_Hagia_Sofia COMMENTS: ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: William W. . . To: Donald . . . Subjec...
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Our Lady, Medjugorji "God's city, mother of all nations." Psalm 86
Dear Sr. Maria, Thank you for the Message from Medjugorje. Our Lady's Message from October seems to give a special re-echo from the...
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Go deep into the inner stillness (HE AND i)
HE AND i, Gabriells B. 1936 October 24 - Montreal. (In such a gentle voice) "When you don't go deep into the inner st...
Eckhart “Whether it is contemplation or rapture or whatever you welcome, whatever is created, is not God”
The Night Office, First Reading, had an amazingly vivid description of the trees, aromas, incense, and drawing into the settings of flow...
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