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Psalm 118
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Psalm 118
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Symeon the New Theologian - calling the Holy Spirit a treasure.
Ann Persson is the author of The Circle of Love: Praying with Rublev's Icon of the Trinity -see below. Night Office, Patris...
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
St. John "Chrysostomos" or "the golden-mouthed': -glory, gleam, beam, light, incandescence, brightness shines ...
Night Office, Patristic Lectionary, Augustine Press 1999 Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Ye ar II Wednesday F irs t R e a di...
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Ralph the Fervent (d.1101 ) was a conscientious, erudite cure in the former diocese of Poitiers
2 Cor 3:4.Through Christ we have full confidence in God, ... i n t h e S p i ri t Night Office, Patristic Lectionary, Augustine ...
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