Saturday, 10 November 2007

November Month of the Holy Souls

November Month of the Holy Souls
Remembrance Sunday.

There have been some very sad deaths recently, one that of an eight year old boy.
At such moments we are vividly aware of those who have died.
In the month of the Holy Souls some familiar remembrance Hymns are very moving.
As we think of those who have no one to pray for them, the third verse of the Hymn, - They are waiting for our petitions – below are particularly poignant.
The Catholic observance of All Soul’s Day and the Month of the Holy Souls is now re-in forced by the fairly universal Remembrance Sunday of all the Churches.

Souls in Purgatory

They are waiting for our petitions silent and calm
Their lips no prayer can utter, no suppliant psalm.

we have made them all too weary with long delay
For the souls in their still agony, good christian pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

For the soul thou holdest dearest let prayers arise
The voice of love is mighty and will pierce the skies.
Waste not in selfish weeping one precious day
But speeding thy love to heaven, good christian pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

For the soul by all forgotten, even its own,
By its nearest and its dearest, left all alone,
Whisper a "De profundis", or gently lay
Alms in some beggar's outstretched palm, good christian pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

For the soul that is nearest heaven that sees the gate,
Now ajar and the light within and yet must wait,
Ere the angels come to convey it in bright array
For the eager soul so near to joy, good christian pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

The soul that most loved Our Lady, for Our Lady's love,
Speed with thy supplication to its home above,
And our Mother in benediction, her hand will lay
Tenderly on thy bowed-down head, good christian pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

For the love of the Heart of Jesus, they love it too,
By all the sweet affections that once they knew,
As thou hopest in thy utomost need to find thy stay
In the prayers of those who loved thee once, good christian pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

Our loving lips can cry aloud the pleading word
Through all that silent kingdom unknown, unheard.
O canst thou turn from their bitter want coldly away
Kneel humbly at the altar's foot, christian, and pray.
Requiescant in pace, requiescant in Pace.

The accompanying pictures of 12th Station, The Crucifixion, of the Way of the Cross on the South Avenue were taken by friend of the community. On the bark of the beech tree, immediately above the cross, an outline of the figure of the Cross seems to give the pictorial image for that meditation of the Crucifixion.

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