Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Summer Chronicle 3

Summer Chronicle 3

SS. Ninian and Triduana Parish, Restalrig, Edinburgh.

There have been Buses coming to Nunraw since the foundation of Nunraw Abbey.
More recently, for 13 years, the visit has been lead by Pat Healey. All the preparations and provisions were provided by the helping group.

Since I have been at the Guest House, five years, I always heard Pat declaring that this would be her last year to organise the event.
After refreshments there was little incentive by the weather to enjoy the grounds, and then it was time to make the drive to the Abbey Church for Vespers and Benediction.
At the end of the afternoon, there was a very lively Raffle of the abundant gifts to satisfy many winners. On the previous day I had a similar experience in a local Masonic Lodge, surprisingly named the Lodge of St. Mary. At the Raffle there,
it so happened that I drew the first ticket and won the first prize.
To cap so much gift giving, we held a presentation for Pat to mark the years of her organizing these happy events. She received an attractive wooden carving of the Virgin and Child.
It was a spontaneous gesture for all that she has done for the St. Ninian and Triduana Pilgrimage - but we were not entirely unmindful of the possibility that she might feel persuaded to continue for next year.
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