Tuesday, 24 March 2009



by Robert Nash SJ Irish Messenger Office 1943

Browsing through old pamphlets, the name, “Three Tabernacles”, was a striking title. Fr. Nash was a prolific writer among the Jesuit Sacred Heart publications in Dublin.

Here are some paragraphs from this wonderful old TWOPENCE booklet. It makes a good suggestion to browse the Net on that lead “Three Tabernacles” on the wider resources never anticipated by the generation of Fr. Nash.

. . . Now there are three tabernacles in which we can find God, even in this life. In answer to our question Our Lord walks with us down the bank of the river and invites us. " You want to know where to find God? Come and see."

The First Tabernacle

The first of these tabernacles is nothing else than, the world in which we are living. It is the sheer truth that the Presence of God permeates the atmosphere around us like the ether. There is never a moment, sleeping or waking, alone or in company, but the eye of God is fixed 'upon me. You go down the street and chat with your friends,—every word is heard by the ear of God. You think in your mind,—unkind thoughts or kindly thoughts, unclean thoughts or beautiful thoughts,-not a thought passes through your mind, even in the most fleeting manner, but it is witnessed by the eye of God. "In Him," says the apostle, "we live and move and have our being." God's eye therefore is always upon me, not as the eye of a stern Judge but as the eye of a most loving Father. Every effort to live a decent Catholic life is known to Him. Every attempt to stir up in my neighbour a love of Him and a sense of responsibility to Him meets with His divine blessing and approval, though ill men's eyes it may be a failure..

"Whither shall I flee from Thy face? If I ascend into heaven Thou art there. If I descend into hell Thou art present. If I take my wings early in the .morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there also shall Thy hand lead me . . . Perhaps darkness shall cover me? But darkness' shall not be dark to Thee and night shall be light as the day ...

The Second Tabernacle

Continuing 'Our walk with Our Lord He now proceeds to tell me about a second tabernacle in which God is to be found: . He opens out before me a stupendous plan He has formed, nothing less than to leave with His Church the, and power to consecrate bread and wine into the body and blood of God Himself.

. . . All this we know. But it is not mere knowledge that is wanted. The Blessed Eucharist is, above all, a challenge to our personal love of Christ. In the first of the three tabernacles we learn to hate sin and to· shun' it.

But the service of God is not merely the "Negation avoidance of sin. Important though this is it is only the first step; for you will never get much distinguished service from, a man who stops short at the mere negative side of his work: The soul. of man is hungering for happiness,—as we saw from the start,—and the avoidance of sin is the first requisite if a healthy appetite is to follow., According as a man starves his soul of its hunger for what is of sin so does his, desire increase for what is of God.

It is true that the world around us is His tabernacle, but He has set up a second tabernacle wherein there is a very special Presence. And as the first tabernacle deters us from sinning, the second fills the heart with a burning love of God. Nothing is easier to illustrate. Do you remember how Father William Doyle describes "the, mad longing for His Presence, which is' at times overpowering"? Or have you read about St. Paschal Baylon, the Franciscan .lay-brother and patron of the Blessed Eucharist? If so you will recall how his heart used to bleed -when he listened to the Mass bell and. was unable to answer the summons. You know that Matt. Talbot, the Dublin workingman, found in the Blessed Eucharist his support and his strength? As a young man he was a slave to drink. He took the pledge and kept it. But who can tell what it cost him? When the temptation was fiercest Matt would make his way to the church and sit there. "I'm safe as long as I stay here"! One of the finest things in his life, .don't you think? . . .

Personal love of God through the Blessed Eucharist?

If intimacy with Jesus in the Blessed Eucharist is going to develop there must once more be co-operation between Him and the soul that is seeking Him. In the hurricane existence of many a modern man or woman there will never develop this delicacy in relations' towards the Blessed Sacrament. For this it is essential that the .soul gives itself time to think and to pray. Now what is your attitude towards the Blessed Eucharist? If you .realised that. here lives your best Friend would you dream- of passing His door without at least a word of salutation? . . .

Other practical suggestions, will come readily to your own mind. if you are keen, for love, St. Tersaa tells you, is always showing itself. in a 'thousand different ways.. Let this divine flame once begin to blaze up within you and it will urge you forcefully to prove your sincerity, not by high-sounding words but by deeds. .You could, for instance, spread among your friends some of the Messenger pamphlets 'which' tell about the Marvels of the Eucharist, the fruits It bears in your soul, the reasons why those fruits are often -not produced. On the cover of this booklet you will probably find some titles of the Eucharistic Series. I know nothing more in accordance with the expressed wish of Our Lord than that you should enkindle in yourself and in others a practical living love for God in' this, His second tabernacle with men.

The Third Tabernacle

And what is the third tabernacle in which the soul can find God, even. in this life? Master, where dwellest Thou"? By way of answering you Our Lord points to yourself, and tells you that your own soul is actually the place where God has deigned to choose His abode. If you doubt this listen to His assurance. "If any man. love Me, My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him." Or, turn to St. Paul. "Know you that you are the temple of God and that the not? Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Now if any man violate the temple of God, him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is Holy, which you are." This is. what it means to possess in one's soul this inestimable treasure, purchased for us through the merits of Christ,—sanctifying grace.

So it is true that your soul is His tabernacle. The world around us will one day crumble and fall to pieces. A day will come when the last Mass will be said and the last Sacred Host consumed. But the third tabernacle is eternal for the soul will live for ever. Indeed the world exists for the good of the soul; the things God has placed in the world are to be used. or not used just in so far as they help or hinder the soul's progress. Even the Blessed Eucharist is given us for the nourishment of the divine life within the soul.

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THREE TABERNACLES - see wider web resources.

1. This article was originally published June, 2006. "Three Tabernacles", Institute for Creation Research, http://www.icr.org/article/three-tabernacles (accessed March 24, 2009).

Matthew 17:4 Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us

2. Let us make here three tabernacles. Three booths of boughs, like those of ... Master Moses Peter Shelters Sir Tabernacles Tents Thankful Three Want Wilt Wish ...

3. Luke 9:33 And as these were leaving Him, Peter said to Jesus,

... three tabernacles: one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah "-- not ... Master Moses Parting Peter Preparing Rabbi Tabernacles Tents Thankful Three ...

4. What happened to Sukkot in the Christian tradition?

... there are three central pilgrimage feasts: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. ... suggests building three tabernacles for the three figures. ...catholic.co.il

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