Thursday, 12 November 2009

Bede - Widows Mite

The Widow’s Mite

Catena Aure – Gospel of Mark 12:41-44

Mystical Sense

Pseudo-Jerome: But in a mystical sense, they are rich, who bring forth from the treasure of their heart things new and old, which are the obscure and hidden things of Divine wisdom in both testaments; but who is the poor woman, if it be not I and those like me, who cast in what I can, and have the will to explain to you, where I have, 253not the power. For God does not consider how much ye bear, but what is the store from which it comes; but each at all events can bring his farthing, that is, a ready will, which is called a farthing, because it is accompanied by three things, that is, thought, word and deed. And in that it is said that “she cast in all her living,” it is implied that all that the body wants is that by which it lives. Wherefore it is said, “All the labour of man is for his mouth.” [Eccl 6:7]


Allegorical Way

Bede: Again, in an allegorical way, the rich men, who cast gifts into the treasury, point out the Jews puffed up with the righteousness of the law; the poor widow is the simplicity of the Church: poor indeed, because she has cast away the spirit of pride and of the desires of worldly things; and a widow, because Jesus her husband has suffered death for her. She casts two mites into the treasury, because she brings the love of God and of her neighbour, or the gifts of faith and prayer; which are looked upon as mites in their own insignificance, but measured by the merit of a devout intention are superior to all the proud works of the Jews. The Jew sends of his abundance into the treasury, because he presumes on his own righteousness; but the Church sends her whole living into God’s treasury, because she understands that even her very living is not of her own desert, but of Divine grace.


In 1982 in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly reproduced an article entitled

“The Widow's Mite: Praise or Lament?—A Matter of Context”. As a daunting scholarly survey the exegesis of the subject left one rather mesmerized.

In a very different context, ‘out of babes’ may come wisdom in new guise .

The Widow's Mite

Mark 12:41-43

PowerPoint Slide Masters


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