Monday 31 May 2010

COMMENT - Holy Trinity

Thank you, William,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: William J ...
To: Fr Donald ...
Sent: Mon, 31 May, 2010 13:01:27
Subject: Re: [Blog] The Most Holy Trinity

Dear Father Donald,
God does not live in splendid solitude but rather is an inexhaustible source of life that is ceaselessly given and communicated.”
I am very excited by the extract you quote from Pope Benedict. What he does is make us realisethat we do not simply observe the Trinity all around us, in Creation, in Scripture, in the fulfilment of mankind's destiny, but that we participate in the life of the Trinity, the 'why' Christ became man. "Love" can be a bland word: he makes us aware that to live in the love of the Trinity is no less than toparticipate in the life of God, the "inexhaustible source" of life ceaselessly given and communicated.
Truly Inspirational.
... in Our Lord,

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