Saturday, 26 June 2010


----- Forwarded Message ----

To: Donald Nunraw …
Sent: Sat, 26 June, 2010 19:24:08
Subject: Trying via BT web mail

Dear Father Donald,

I have so enjoyed your sermon on Saint John the Baptist. What a feast you prepared for your listeners, and us your Blog readers too, and what an honour you did your festal Saint!

St. Augustine bidding his listeners to listen, think, and become like unto Jesus within; the skilled learning of the shepherd boy John Brown illuminating The Baptist's hidden wisdom; the Harmony entries revealing his prominence in Scripture, confirming his status at the head of the Prophets; and those revelatory details, his the third birthday being recorded - and the significance of Midsummer! - and notably his being born without original sin (with the comment on the effect of the Sacrament of Baptism), followed by the fact of his precedence in the order of saints in the Canon.

And finally, the expression of Head - study, Heart - response, and Hands - practice: that describes Saint John's vocation, and may it be, our own. How you enhance for us the meaning of Lectio Divina.

A fascinating sermon, with so many aspects all drawing us closer to Saint John, who whilst being a thrilling figure, the Forerunner, otherwise remains remote. Your sermon makes us much more deeply aware, in appreciation, of his vocation.

Thank you Father for an unforgettable homily.

in Our Lord,


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