Saturday, 14 August 2010

Faithful to my vocation.

Mass Intr. Friday August 13. 2010
Ez. 16: 1-5. 60, 63
Mat. 19: 3-12

We hear from the Book of Ezekiel that God loved Israel as a foundling child and also as a bride.
The story portrays God’s love and concern for Israel, but Israel proved faithless. She showed infidelity apostatizing at pagan shrines.
Nevertheless, God’s fidelity stands despite her unfaithfulness; God shows His total fidelity and this fidelity of God is a model for true marriage.

In the Gospel, Jesus speaks about the beauty and indissolubility of marriage. Toda’s sincerity encourages divorce and individualism which have caused much pain and suffering in family lives.
Jesus calls for deep love, friendship, perfect unity is married life which also entails at times forgiveness, sacrifice and reconciliation. The married couple will find true peace, joy and fulfilment is giving total self to each other in fidelity and total commitment.

Jesus also tells us that some are called to celibacy for the Kingdom of God. He also demands from them unconditional love complete fidelity and total commitment in their particular vocation.
Fr. S.

Commentary of the day : 

The Roman Missal 
Rite of marriage : Nuptial blessing 5 

"They are no longer two, but one flesh"
Lord our God,
creator of the universe and all living things, 
you made man and woman in your own likeness (Gn 1,27)
and gave them loving hearts
with which to participate in your work of love.
You willed that in this church today
the lives of your servants, N. and N., should be united,
and now you will that they may make their home together,
may seek to love each other more and more each day
and follow Christ's example in his love for others
even to death on the cross.
Bless, strengthen and protect the love of these newlyweds;
may their love sustain their fidelity to each other,
bringing them happiness and causing them find in Christ
the joy of complete self-giving to the one they love.
May their love, like yours, O Lord,
become a source of life;
may it make them ever attentive to the needs of their neighbors;
and may their home be open to all in need.
Supported by their love, and the love of Christ,
may they play an active part 
in building up a more just and fraternal world
and thus be faithful to their human and christian vocation.

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