Monday, 20 September 2010

Papal Visit Album

Princes Street and Edinburgh Castle

----- Forwarded Message ----
To: Donald ...
Sent: Thu, 16 September, 2010 20:56:54
Subject: Re: [Blog] Papal Visit Homily

Dear Fr. Donald,
Thank you so much for forwarding The Holy Father's homily....
what a wonderful day, myself and Gillie were in Princes St. with Gillie's two wee girls from 9.15 and it was such a joy, the pageant which little Robyn (nearly three) really enjoyed, but she kept asking where's our Pope, when he did appear we were fortunate to get a Blessing from him, I thought Robyn's hand was going to fly off she was waving vigorously, and since then she is waving the flag all around the house chanting we love the Pope, what a wonderful day, I hope it reaches out to most people the way it has reached out to little Robyn, indeed a day we call all say "we are proud to be Christians"  
Infant blessed at the window of the Pope-mobile
on the Princes Street 
God Bless Father Donald, it is our weekend at Nunraw so we will all see you over the weekend
God bless and thank you
Helen ... 
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Thank you, Helen.
There are so many pictures for the Album.

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