Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Wednesday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

MASS September 22
LUKE 9:1-6
Proverbs 30:5-9

Fr. S... Intro:
In the book of proverbs, we hear the wisdom of the Sage, “Give neither poverty nor riches.”
Today’s world is glamorized by riches and material goods. It is influenced by the tide of consumerism and hedonism. Excessive riches do not bring happiness rather it alienates us from God and suffering humanity. Today’s first reading invites us to live in discipline and moderation way of life which brings joy, peace and fulfillment.

In the Gospel, Jesus called the Twelve Disciples to leave the old life behind and to embrace his new life. Therefore, he called them to be with him in order to experience this new life in Christ. After having formed them, Jesus sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal.
Before he commissioned them, he equipped them with his power. Because it is his mission, the apostles carry our.
Each one of us is called by our baptismal commitment to evangelize. We need to accept the call generously, totally dependent on the Lord and with every confidence in the power of his word.
“The word has a tremendous power to transform humanity for within and making it new.” (Evangelii nuntiandi – 16)

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