Thursday, 25 November 2010

Luke 2:20-28 Death, Judgements, Heaven, Hell & Second Coming

Thursday of 34th Ordinary Week ( LK 21:20-28)

Mass Introduction: Fr. S...    
Book of Revelation 18:1-2.21-23.19:1-3.9. 
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 21:20-28.

  • During the month of November, the church urges us to ponder on the most fundamental truths of our faith: Death, Judgements, Heaven, Hell and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In the gospel, Jesus urges us to reflect on his second coming in a cloud with power and glory. There is a frightful cosmic catastrophe at the second coming of Jesus but the gospel echoes a very positive tone concerning how we should prepare ourselves for Lord’s second coming. In the gospel, we read, “When these signs begin to happen stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand” (Lk 21:28).
  • This message of Jesus fills our hearts  with great joy and confidence .The Christians have no fear and anxieties of their death ,failures , sufferings and the cosmic upheavals at his second coming provided:
  • 1)    We live in the sacraments of God’s presence every moment with total trust and faith.
  • 2)    Our priority in life  is to grow in intimacy with God  through life of prayers and this should reflect in our dealings and loving relationship with our neighbour
  • 3)    We live in freedom as children of God doing always what is good and avoid what is evil total detachment from sinful lives and addictions.
  • Then only we can stand erect and raise our heads to welcome Jesus at any moment he comes to visit us at our death or at his second coming.

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