Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Ambrose St


Tuesday, 07 December 2010

St. Ambrose
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
(c. 339 - 397)Memorial

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nivard
Sent: Mon, 6 December, 2010 17:14:10

Mass Entrance: The Lord opened his mouth in the assembly, and filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and clothed him in a robe of glory. (Si 15:5).
Today we are again snowed in.

St Ambrose. Advent 2 Tuesday, Parable of the Lost Sheep.

   Today we have the parable of the ‘Lost sheep’. “It is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost”.
   Jesus came for our sake. He openly proclaimed his mercies and his wondrous deeds to human-kind.          
   St Bernard exclaims, “O wonderful condescension of God in his search-ing for us! Oh wonderful dignity of man who is thus sought! If we wish to glory in this dignity, it would not be imputed to us as folly. Not that we need think anything of ourselves, but let us rejoice that he who made us should set so high a value on us. For all the riches and glory of the world, all that could be desired, all this is of little worth and even nothing at all by comparison with that glory. “What is man, O Lord, that you make much of him, or pay him any heed?”

Entrance: The Lord opened his mouth in the assembly, and filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and clothed him in a robe of glory. (Si 15:5).

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