Saturday, 18 December 2010

Late Advent 2nd Antiphon O Adonai

Late Advent Weekday O Adonai
Advent: December 18th 
Saturday of the Third Week of Advent
Today is the second of the O Antiphons,
O Adonai  (O Almighty God).
MATTHEW 1:18-25
(Jeremiah 23:5-8; Psalm 72)
Luke's nativity narration was told from Mary's perspective.
 point of view was Joseph to whom she was was betrothed.
The Mass gives us Joseph and the Holy Spirit stage centre of the Gospel.
In Joseph’s dream,
1. Mary conceives the Child
2. By the Holy Spirit Joseph has guidance.
3. By the holy Spirit Joseph was instructed to name Jesus, Yeshua meaning Yahweh Saves.
The Late Advent Liturgy is over crowded with Readings.
The Night Office had Isaiah 40 and commentary by Blessed Newman. His ‘Discourse  to Mixed Congregations’ mesmerized the reader by added commas and semicolons in prolonged sentences.
The weekday Mass is restricted to the two Reading, relating the First Reading to the Gospel.
We can link Jeremiah 23:5-8 with Matt 1:18-25. Jeremiah’s voice, fills with the words of, ‘Behold days are coming, David’s root, Judah, Israel’ carry the message of promise and fulfillment. No Jeremiad here. The essence, the whole purpose of the Prophets, Jeremiah a leading example, is to prepare the way to the Messiah.

The Liturgy ranges from name of ‘O Odonai’ to the name of Jesus- Yahweh Saves.
In our Mass we ask St. Joseph too for the Holy Spirit's guidance in our part in the mystery of the Incarnation

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