Thursday, 17 March 2011

Earthquake Japan

 . . . amazing coverage as we can receive the Japanese Channel on T.V
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: mary .... Philippines
To: Nivard ..... Cc: Donald ...
Sent: Thu, 17 March, 2011 12:32:14
Subject: Fw: 3D CNN: 日本海嘯前、海嘯後比較(請移動滑鼠)

Dear all,
I thought you might be interested in seeing these photos and don't forget to toggle to see before and after the devastation by the tsunami. May God help Japan.
We are actually getting amazing coverage as we can receive the Japanese Channel on T.V. as well as CNN and BBC world. Sadly,the situation just gets worse each day what with the  damaged nuclear plants mal-functioning and the threat of  explosions ,fires and radiation leaks. I won't go on.
Let us all continue our prayers for Japan.
Our Novice Directress is Japanese and D.G. her family who are originally from Sendai are living elsewhere and are all safe.
Love and prayers,
Mary fmm

--- 11/3/16 (三),  寫道:
主旨: Fw: 3D CNN: 日本海嘯前、海嘯後比較(請移動滑鼠)
日期: 2011年3月16日,三,下午5:05

主旨: Fwd: 3D CNN: 日本海嘯前、海嘯後比較(請移動滑鼠)

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主旨:  3D CNN: 日本海嘯前、海嘯後比較(請移動滑鼠)



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