Tuesday, 28 June 2011

COMMENTS - Barnsley Blessed Sacrament

Blessed Sacrament precinct of Barnsley
Lift the City - a Catholic Eucharistic flash mob
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Uploaded by CapuchinFranciscan on Jun 22, 2011
A Eucharistic flash mob in the centre of Preston, organised by the Capuchin Franciscans on Ascension Thursday 2011.

A small team of Catholic evangelists mingled with the crowd to hand out cards and explain what was going on. Here are some of the reactions....

"What is this about? What is happening? What is this about?"

One young girl said: "I've not seen anything like this since Church."

"Are they doing this all day? ... Will they be doing it again? ... Are they doing this any where else?"

Two young women asked: "Why does God allow hurt and pain in the world?" They agreed it was not God's fault but ours. Then they asked: "Why doesn't Jesus come again?" We explained that He is here in the form of bread, but would come again and we invited them to think about Him now.

"Is it religious? What is inside that thing?"

A man said: "What is that guy doing?" An old woman with him replied: "That's Jesus. Show respect."

"This is so moving! It is the first time I have seen it done outside. I can't wait to tell my parish priest!"

Thanks to Sean Zaniboni, Gerardo Gonzalez and the team for filming and producing the video.

To find out more, visit http://acertainhope.blogspot.com/2011/06/making-of-eucharistic-flash-mob.html
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• I've now added the link to my blog in the description above.
CapuchinFranciscan 8 hours ago
Top Comments
• I was part of this amazing experience and I can tell you all that Jesus was truly present in the Blessed Sacrament but also in each and every one of us - we felt His love, Joy and Peace - Thanks be to God! May feel Jesus touch your soul as he touched all of ours on that wonderful day.
A proud Catholic Prestonian.
teresaann2 20 hours ago 10
• @TehBuhmDiggeee - foul and abusive language will only serve to reinforce our beliefs because they show that the peace we have in our hearts which has transformed our lives is more real than the so-called 'things' that modern secular society puts its trust in. The Word of God will never be obsolete.
'The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
WSMVN 1 day ago 8
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All Comments (255)

• There is something so serene and inspiring about the speaker's voice when he says "come kneel before him now."
KnightOwl2006 52 minutes ago
• @tjttzcspplt The problem, is lack of faith and lack of belief in the source, center, and summit of our faith. Lack of belief is caused by carlessness. Carelessness in small things = carelessness in large things. In case you hadn't noticed the Church is in full on apostasy due to the sloppy irreverence since Vatican 2.. Just today the Vatican announced a diocese realignment in the US. What do I do? I drive 100 miles every week to give my time, talent and treasure to a priest who is faithful.
SanMichel22 1 hour ago
• Were the kneelers part of an ochrastrated flash mob? I ask this because I've always thought that a flash mob was a preplanned event. Or were the kneelers simply ordinary shoppers and such that did not know this event was about to take place?
66tuber 2 hours ago
• Well done.
God bless.
KnightOwl2006 2 hours ago
• This brought streams of tears to my eyes +
weirdschool 3 hours ago
• This is awesome! Two words for you,
StrawberyFreakTARDIS 3 hours ago
• @TehBuhmDiggeee I am sorry for you. I truly will pray for your soul to be softened and for the Holy Spirit to work in your heart. You are upset that someone would discount your post and you because of your choice of words. I can understand how that must have made you feel. and it is sad that you have to have so much saddness and darkness in your heart/life that you feel you have to use that kind of language in a post. I won't discount you at all fr what you have said. May he give you peace
gotmg1 3 hours ago
• It is not HE that is devisive anywhere. It is the use of His holy name to either uplift or tear down others that is devisive. HE can never be devisive as that is sinful He is like us in all things but sin!! He has never and will never sin. So look to those who use our Lord as a sword to tear others down or cause devisivness.
God bless
gotmg1 4 hours ago
• @abctijo I'm actually surprised as many knew to kneel, and knelt, as did. Not a lot of Catholics in this population.
jhssuthrnmama 6 hours ago
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