Sunday, 3 July 2011

COMMENT Of Men and Gods,

July High Summer

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: WILLIAM  ...
To: Fr Donald  ...
Sent: Sun, 3 July, 2011 10:13:09
Subject: Re: [Blog] Cistercian monks in Algeria

Dear Father Donald,
Anne Marie has come upon the very best article written on the portrayal of the film, Of Men and Gods, which goes to the heart of the meaning of the sacrifice made by your Brethren in Algeria. This closing passage is memorable:
The monks’ willingness to die for their faith, firm in the knowledge that it was not true death, but merely physical death, seems anything but a tragedy. This closely parallels Christ’s death, and our view of Christ’s death informs how we see the monks’ murder. Unjustly executed before his time, his death could easily be seen as a tragedy. However, it is only through his death that the Men of the monks, fallible, imperfect, sinful people that they are, can become like Gods, perfect and no longer tainted by the evil things they once did.

Please thank Anne Marie - this is an article to archive that I may ever reflect upon it.
. . . in Our Lord,

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