Monday, 19 September 2011

Nunraw BBC movie 1966

---- Forwarded Message -----
From: WILLIAM . . .
To: Fr Donald . . .
Sent: Monday, 19 September 2011, 14:47
Subject: Re
: [Blog] first-Nunraw / Assisi / Gospel parallels 

Dear Father Donald,
What a huge delight to be taken inside the first wooden church at the Abbey, the view that greeted all new postulants - it holds its thrill! It must bring so many memories back to you! You were indeed blessed at that time to have so many skilled craftsmen within the Community. In the 'stills' photos, I think I can guess at Br. Philip and Br. Kentigern? the upper lip of the one, the eyebrows of the other!
The MGM is truly The Festival of the Order, and I have been following the Blog in awe. I can imagine how strengthening and encouraging such an occasion must be. And for all attending, Assisi is such a beautiful setting. Dom Eamon's talk on the role and vocation of an Abbot is truly inspirational.   
- - - . . .
Back to Assisi, or deep into my reflections on all that Nunraw means to me,
. . . in Our Lord,
Nunraw Abbey first wooden Church



By chance find in a Picasa (pictures) bunch of Abbot Columban Mulcahy OCSO and Malcolm Muggeride television programmer.
Posted by Picasa

Nunraw Abbey first wooden Church

BBC programme begins - Malcom Muggeridge enters
for  the early community Mass   
Abbot Columban - Holy Communion

Br. Ninian

Malcolm interviews the Abbot
on the top parapet. 
Abbot Columban Mulcahy

Nunraw Television 

BBC Programme 1967
"A Hard Bed to Lie" (Br. Oliver)        

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