Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Menology of the month of December

Holy Father's Prayer Intentions For 2011
December 2011

General Intention: Peace among All Peoples.
That all peoples may grow in harmony and peace through mutual understanding and respect.

Missionary Intention: That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that they may be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation.  

  Memorials of the Community in December

Brother Brendan Kelly 

Brother Brendan Kelly

Born 6 August 1910
Entered Roscrea 22nd May 1932
professed 9th December 1937
Co-founded Nunraw 1946
Died 14 December 1949
Brother Brendan Denis Kelly
6 August 1910 - 14 December 1949

Brother Antony Hopkins 

Brother Antony Patrick Hopkins

born 12 September 1918
entered 12 June 1940
professed 12 April 1946
died 16 December 1985
Community Chronicle
Notes of Eulogy

Father Andrew Hart  

born 10 October 1906
entered 1936
professed 30 October 1941
ordained 25 February 1944
died 17 December 1992
Scottish Catholic Observer
Community Chronicle
SCO Letters
"An Advent Person" - Dom Donald


for the
Month of


Hugh of Chalons-Sur-Marne + 1158
Abbot of Trois Fontaines, he was named cardinal and bishop of Ostia by Pope Eugene III.
Mark de Villalba + 1590
Abbot of Fiterbo, Spain, and reformer general of the Congregation of the Regular Observance.
Robert + 1185
A monk of La Criste in Champagne, he became abbot of Matallana.
Mary Louise Ambrosetli + 1922
A native of Italy, she became the first novice at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Macon, France, and experienced its painful beginnings. Later she became subprioress. She was full of zeal for the Divine Office and for charity, strong in faith and patient in sufferings. She died in Brazil where her original convent had been transferred.
St Galgan  1151-1181
He lived as a hermit near Siena. The abbots of Casamari and Fossanova, returning from France and passing Monte Sepi, where he lived, found him dead. For burial they clothed him in the habit of a Cistercian lay-brother.
Louis de Gonzague Martin  1853-1899
He was received at Our Lady of the Snows at the age of eleven. At twenty-nine he was appointed first superior of the foundation to be made in Syria, a task presenting many difficulties which he bore with equanimity and cheerfulness. Eight years later he was elected third abbot of Staouelli, Algeria.
 A man of great faith, incapable of giving himself by halves, he had an intense love for the Eucharist, the Mother of God and the writings of St Bernard.
Pio Heredia
Prior of Viaceli. During the Spanish Civil War, he and twelve of his monks, arrested on September 8, 1935, were shot and their bodies thrown into the sea.
Thomas Merton, Waters of Siloe, p. 211
Christian + 1244
Abbot of Leckno, Poland, in 1206 he crossed the frontier of Prussia and finding the people were ready to accept the faith, he obtained authorization from Pope Innocent III and began to preach the gospel with such success that he is known as the apostle of the Prussians.
Zosimus Jansen  1836-1915
He was a lay-brother first at St Benedict, Achel, Belgium, and later at the new foundation of St Remy, Rochefort. Of a happy disposition, he was always courteous and obliging to his confreres. He spent most of his free time in church, and lived, as it were, on the thought and love of Mary.
Werric + 1217
Prior of Aulne, Hainaut, Belgium, he was a monk of simplicity, piety, gentleness and peace.
Joanna, Countess of Flanders + 1244
For forty years she wisely and magnanimously governed her people. During her reign, fifteen convents of Cistercian nuns were founded in her domain. As she neared the end of her life, she received the habit of oblate at the convent of Marquette.
Moses Picault de Ligre  1664-1707
Having been converted from an irregular way of life by the death of his mother, he entered La Trappe at the age of forty. Here he was eager to make atonement for his sins, and to grow in the love of Christ. Three years later he died after a brief illness.
Humbert + 1148
Having spent twenty years in the Benedictine abbey of La Chaise-Dieu, he entered Clairvaux. St Bernard, who esteemed him greatly for his charity and compassion, made him prior and then first abbot of Igny. However, against Bernard's wishes, Humbert resigned and returned to Clairvaux.
Gerard of Farfa  12th century
He was sent by his dying abbot of Farfa, a Benedictine abbey in Italy, to St Bernard at Clairvaux. His special virtue was compunction and he had the gift of tears. He lived to be over ninety, seeming daily to grow younger in the ardor of his indefatigable spirit.
Placid Pozzancheri + 1775
Successively abbot of Casamari and president of the Congregation of St Bernard in Italy, bishop of Imeria, bishop of Tivoli. He was also confessor to Pope Benedict XIII.
Seraphim Roger + 1883
Prior of Sept-Fons under three successive abbots  who were required by their office of vicar-general and
their many daughter houses to be absent often from the monastery, he was responsible for maintaining peace and
discipline and fostering the spiritual life in the community, and he discharged this office admirably.
Henry Corff + 1350
A monk of Marienfeld in Westphalia, humble, obedient and thoroughly peace-loving.
Lorenzo Gonzalez + 1591
Abbot of Valbuena and Villaneva, Spain, exceptional for his religious fervor.
Ida of Nivelles  1198-1231
Her father died when she was nine, and her mother three years later. From the age of nine to sixteen she lived with religious women of her town. She then entered the Cistercian convent of Kerkom. Flemish was spoken there, and her ignorance of that language constituted one of Ida's trials, but it also led her to a deep love of silence and prayer, and an appreciation of non-verbal communication. Later when she had become bi-lingual, and the community had transferred to La Ramee in the French-speaking area of Flanders, she was able to render service as an interpreter. She was much loved by her sisters, and when, at twenty, she seemed at the point of death, they stormed heaven for her recovery. She did recover and lived thirteen years more. One of her great virtues was compassion for others; not only did she pray for them, she was also willing to suffer with and for them.
Life, translated by Martinus Crawley; MBS, p. 309
Louis (Thomas) Merton  1915-1968
Born in Prades, France, of an American mother and New Zealander father, both artists, his early life was unsettled, spent in America and England. In 1938, while studying at Columbia University, he became a Catholic. Three years later he entered Gethsemani, as he himself put it: "Heading for the woods with Thoreau in one pocket, John of the Cross in another and holding the Bible open at the Apocalypse," determined to give himself completely to the monastic life. His autobiography, Seven Storey Mountain, was published in 1947 and became a best-seller. From then on he was the most widely known and influential monk in the West, but probably the highest compliment ever paid to him was that of his abbot: "I never had a more humble or obedient monk."[1]
He served as master of scholastics and novices before becoming a hermit. Through the years he never stopped growing, reaching out. He had an almost unlimited capacity for absorbing and assimiliating other traditions: Christian, Zen Buddhist, Sufi. Always torn between the desire for solitude and the need to communicate, he "managed to combine inconsistency and stability in a creative tension that brought a large measure of unity and integration to his life".[2]  He met his death, accidentally and somewhat mysteriously, while attending an East-West monastic conference in Bangkok, Thailand.
CS 27; CS 42; CS 52; CS 74; CS 92; CS 102; CS 103
"Can I tell you that I have found answers to the questions that torment the man of our time? I do not know if I have found the answers. When I first became a monk, yes, I was more sure of 'answers'. But as I grow old in the monastic life and advance further into solitude, I become aware that I have only begun to seek the questions."  The Monastic Journey
"I leave everything in the hands of God and find my solitude in his will, without being theatrical or glowingly pious about it. I am content. But the right kind of contentment is a perfect solitude. When one is more or less content with the 'nothing' that is at hand, one finds in it everything."  Letter to Jean LeClercq 1956
Bl David + 1179
A native of Florence, he became a novice at Clairvaux, but, because of his poor health, he was dismissed. Disconsolate, he remained at the gate until St Bernard re-admitted him, realizing that his courage and faith would compensate for lack of physical strength. Soon after his profession in 1134, he was sent with the monks who were to found Himmerod in Germany. By fervent prayer he obtained strength to assist in the construction of the new monastery. He served God and his brethren with great joy of spirit. Whoever came to him sad, went away happy and with spirits uplifted.
MBS, p. 306
Francois Lotin de Charney + 1716
As a young man he was somewhat frivolous, but, having visited La Trappe a number of times, he was moved to become a monk. He embraced his new life with his innate magnanimity, animating the observances with the spirit of humility, obedience, compunction, piety and a deep devotion to Christ's Passion.
Martin Martin  1856-1908
At the age of twelve he was received as a student or oblate at Our Lady of the Snows. He later made profession as a monk, was appointed to various offices and finally elected abbot. He was most kind and solicitous for his brethren, and his entire regime was imbued with the goodness and mercy of Christ.
Franco of Archennes  13th century
A knight of Brabant, he became a crusader and fought in the Holy Land with his two sons, who were killed in battle. Returning home, he became a monk at Villers, serene, kind and affable.
Jean-Antoine de Somont  1659-1701
Abbot of Tamie. Having visited La Trappe, he reformed his own monastery and joined it to the Strict Observance. In 1682 he was appointed procurator of the Order, and thus was able to aid in the reform of other monasteries and convents.
A monk of Santa Maria dell'Arco, Nieti, Sicily.
14. Nunraw Abbey: Brother Brendan Denis Kelly
6 August 1910 - 14 December 1949
Denis Kelly was Baptised and confirmed in the Parish of Oghil & Kiltormer,
Diocese of Clonfert, Ireland
He began his monastic life at Roscrea Abbey. He was among the founders of Nunraw in 1946. In the following year he was found to be suffering from tuberculosis. He was the first monk to die and to be buried at Nunraw.
Louise-Therese Perrucard de Ballon  1591-1668
Born in Vanchy, Savoy, she was taken to the convent of St Catherine de Semnoz at the age of seven. Professed at sixteen, she soon afterwards made a retreat under the direction of her kinsman, St Francis de Sales, which profoundly changed her life. Since the convent was not amenable to reform, she with four other sisters began a new community at Rumilly, which became the nucleus of the Bernadines of Divine Providence, and at the time of the French Revolution counted twenty-five houses.
Jacques Puiperon + 1674
A member of the Order of Celestines, he entered La Trappe and lived in humility and charity to his brethren. Fourteen months before his death, he contracted tuberculosis, and bore the sufferings this entailed not only with equanimity, but even with joy in the Spirit.
Constant Jouvin  1837-1906
Obliged to care for his father, he had to wait until the latter's death before he could enter Bricquebec as a lay-brother at the age of forty-eight. He was at the service of his brethren in everything and had a special gift for expiating the faults of others by a more generous mortification in union with Christ.
16. Nunraw Abbey:  Br Antony Patrick Hopkins
12 September 1918 - 16 December 1985
Br Anthony suffered a heart attack and died peacefully in his sleep. Patrick
Hopkins was born in Dublin in 1918, where he first experienced life in an
Orphanage. One has only to look round the Church at Nunraw to see marks of his workmanship everywhere. In the course of almost forty years, the call on his skills in woodwork were as constant as the great demands in establishing a new monastery. In practice he could always be called upon for a much wider range of services in the community; assisting in the guesthouse, shopkeeper, cook and in one of the great loves of his life, the liturgy.
Rainald + 1150
A monk of Clairvaux, elected fifth abbot of Citeaux in 1133, he was a man of nobility, decorum and religious fervor. He is said to have collected the statutes and definitions of the first Cistercians into a single volume.
Nunraw Abbey: Father Andrew Hart 10 Oct 1906 – 17 December 1992.
Born in Dumbarton in 1906, Fr. Andrew - Hart joined the Abbey of Mount
Saint Joseph, Roscrae, Ireland, in September 1936. He had received a B.Sc. degree from Glasgow University in 1928, and a Teachers Diploma in 1929
He made Solemn Profession vows on 30 October 1941 and was ordained priest on 25 February 1944. After teaching in the college attached to the Abbey he was named as one of the founders of the Abbey at Nunraw in 1946. He was appointed Novice Master, the role in which he made his best contribution to the community. As a young monk studying theology he was noted as a faithful follower of St  Thomas Aquinas and, with the years, this became more deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture. In his later years this was evident in his sermons and in the  spiritual direction for which he was much in demand. With his strong physique he did not understand illness and although sickness did come his way, he battled on. As someone said, his motto could have been, ‘Bury me in my boots’. Indeed, the Lord called him while still active in the company of the brethren.
Marie Moennat + 1650
She became abbess of Fille Dieu in 1613, and amid great opposition, restored enclosure and abstinence with the help of her brother, Dom William, abbot of Hauterive (September 1).
Les Moniales, p. 105
Godfrey Bouillon  1844-1901
He entered Scourmont in Belgium at thirteen. Years later, appointed sub-prior, he was a right-hand to his aging abbot, and after the latter's death, became his successor. He lived entirely by faith, devoted to the Mother of God, to the exercises of the monastic life and to the service of his brethren.
Turgesius  12th-13th century
A monk of Fountains Abbey, England, remarkable for his compunction and the austerity of his life, he was elected abbot of Kirkstall. He governed this house for nine years and then returned to Fountains.
Konrad von Brundelsheim + 1301
Abbot of Heilsbronn in Bavaria, he was an eminent theologian and master of the spiritual life.
Sunulphus  12th century
A lay-brother of Fountains, England, "a simple and illiterate man. Instead of books, he held on to his conscience; he had the Holy Spirit for a teacher; he grew daily in the knowledge of holy things."
Lekai, p. 339
Maria Gomez + 1684
A lay-sister of Las Huelgas, Spain, full of kindness toward the poor.
Richard + 1266
An Englishman, he studied in Paris and then, on the advice of a saintly recluse, became a monk at Adwert in Friesland. He was zealous for humility, obedience and silence, and especially for the Divine Office.
Bartholomew  12th century
The second youngest of St Bernard's brothers.
Bernard  12th century
A monk of Grandselve, France. Infirmarian in the hospice for the poor, he tended the sick with much charity and devotion.
Gerlac van Kranenborgh  1412-1492
Prior of Sibculo, in the Netherlands, which he ably governed for thirty-seven years. He was gentle, eloquent, kind and eminent for his works of charity.
Peter of Arranches  12th-13th century
A monk of Savigny in Normandy, France.
Benedict Stephani + 1672
For twenty-eight years prior of St John of Stams in the Tyrol, zealous for regular observance, gentle and calm.
Fulk + 1231
Born in Marseilles, the son of a wealthy merchant from Genoa, he became famous as a troubador, in favor with King Richard the Lionhearted and King Alphonso of Castile. In 1199 he, with his two sons, became a monk of Grandselve, while his wife entered a Cistercian convent.
Fulk was elected abbot of Le Toronet, and in 1205 bishop of Toulouse. He encouraged and aided Bishop Diego of Osma and St Dominic in their preaching against the Albigensians, granting the latter the site for what became the first convent of Dominican nuns, and providing a house for the preachers in Toulouse. He also used his influence at the Fourth Lateran Council to obtain approval for the new Order of Preachers.
MBS, p. 312
A lay-brother of Himmerod, Germany, he served God from his youth for thirty years in devoted service for his brethren, and then for twenty years in great physical sufferings.
Hilarinus Bonnet + 1865
A monk of Aiguebelle, he was sent to Staoueli, Algeria, to be a support to the others by his example. He was outstanding in his practice of silence and the other monastic observances.
Augustin de Ladouze  1826-1870
After a rather unprincipled youth, he entered Aiguebelle and became a fervent and humble monk. He was appointed prior and then entrusted with the foundation of Les Dombes, whose first abbot he became. He was patient and gentle, and always treated his brethren with kindness and love. He contracted a fatal disease while visiting his sons who had been drafted in the Franco-German War of 1870.
Frowin + 1165
A monk of Bellevaux, he was named superior of some monks from Lutzel who founded Salem, or Salmansweiler, in Germany. He governed that house successfully for twelve years.
Michael  14th century
A priest of the Cistercian "Order of Montesa", he was captured by infidels while preaching the gospel, and cast alive into the fire.
John  14th century
An aged knight of the Cistercian "Order of Christ", put to death with others by the Turks.
Charlotte de Chauvigny de Blot + 1648
A Benedictine nun of Morsot, she was called by Pope Urban VIII to govern and reform Ste-Croix d'Apt in 1638, when she already more than seventy years old. She was a valiant woman, known for her charity and mercy.
Les Moniales, p. 105
Martin Claune + 1620
Abbot of Grussau, Silesia. Learning that the men in the village of Schonberg were plotting an insurrection, he went, unarmed and without an escort, to make peace with them. On the very day that he celebrated the Mass of the martyr, Thomas Becket, he was himself slain by the villagers. However, he did not give his life in vain: they then repented and returned to the Catholic fold.
Ralph + 1152
An Englishman and a parish priest, he was traveling through France and stopped at Clairvaux for lodging. He was so impressed that he remained there, and three months after his profession, St Bernard sent him to found Vaucelles, which he governed for twenty years.
Angelique de Sagazan  1502-1582
As a girl of ten, she was grazing her father's flock when the Virgin Mary appeared to her and asked to have a chapel built there. When the Mother of God had graciously given her a sign sought by the parish priest, a chapel known as Our Lady of Garaison was built. Angelique entered the convent of Favas and lived there in great simplicity and humility of soul.
Anthony du Crest + 1865
Monk of Sept-Fons and chaplain to the nuns of Ubexy.
Zosimus de Guyenne + 1749
Abbot of Sept-Fons for eight years, he followed steadfastly in the footsteps of Eustache de Beaufort, his predecessor, and with great diligence completed the work of reform.

     [1] Charles Dumont in Thomas Merton, Monk, p. 126.
     [2] William Shannon in America, Oct. 22, 1988.

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