Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Advent Wreath 4


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From: DGO
Sent: Monday, 19 December 2011, 17:02
Subject: The Daily Gospel


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Great O Antiphons: "O Clavis David"

The Great O Antiphons
December 20: "O Clavis David"

These Great "O Antiphons" at the Magnificat were first used by the Church in the 8th and 9th centuries.
They are said in order, based on various titles for the Christ and are scripturally-based short prayers for the 17th to the 23rd of December.
In these "O Antiphons" the Church expresses her deep longing for the coming of the Messiah.

Christ, harrower of hell
(See Isaiah 22:22; Revelation 3:7)
O Clavis   David,
et   sceptrum domus Israël,
qui   aperis, et nemo claudit,
claudis,   et nemo aperuit:
veni, et   educ vinctum
de domo   carceris,
sedentem   in tenebris,
et umbra   mortis.
O Key of David,
and scepter of the house of Israel,
you open, and no one shuts,
you shut, and no one opens:
come, and lead the prisoner
from jail,
seated in darkness
and in the shadow of death.

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