Friday, 30 March 2012

Brother Aidan Hunt OCSO first anniversaryBr. Aidan

 Friday of the Fifth week of Lent Jn 10:34 
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Fr. Raymond ...
To: Donald Nunraw
Sent: Friday, 30 March 2012, 10:52
Subject: All of you are Gods

“All of you are Gods”
When Jesus answered those who did not believe his claim to be Son of God, he reminded them that the psalms spoke of even themselves being called “gods”, so how could they object to his calling himself the “Son of God”.
He says:
“Be tactful with those who are not Christians and be sure to make the best use of your time with them.  Talk to them agreeably and with a flavour of wit and try to fit your answers to the needs of each one.”
These instructions could be summed up as:  Tact, Opportuneness , Courtesy and Wit. In answering them thus Jesus was giving us a perfect example the way in which St Paul teaches us to speak to unbelievers. 
+ + + 
 On this day the INTERCSSIONS included 
the First Anniverary of
Brother  Aidan OCSO.
Brother Aidan OCSO 1934 d. 30 March 2011

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