Thursday, 17 May 2012

Ascension Day, dying of Gabrielle Bossis

YOU AND i -Ascension Day, dying of Gabrielle Bossis

'cleft of the rock' Ex.33:22 Ascension Thursday

"and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. (Exodus  33:22 NASB) 
The Tabernacle is in a hole of the wall. 
It is like 'the cleft of the rock' where Moses had asked to see the face of the glory of the Holy One. 
Last evening the sunshine illuminated the Oratory behind the Choir.

“YOU AND i” Gabrielle Bossis p. 384 1950
Her death on June 9, 1950.
ASCENSION THURSDAY May 18, 1950 – other dates in context.

May - "Lord, is this my last holy hour on earth?"
"May all your hours be holy hours now. There are so few before the last.
You are white as snow through the Anointing and its graces. ( ... ) My love has washed away every stain. ( ... ) If I love you at all times, I am even more moved in this great moment when the last visitor comes. May she do all she should for you. But rest in My arms while you wait for the final moment when the very last veil will be rent.
Now, My friend, here is your work: Regret, regret, regret your sins. And love, love, love ever more and more the One whose name is Love."
"Lord, take my little flame in Your fire."
May 13 - Weaker.
"Yes, I take your body like the wheat to be ground.
It is for your brothers:'
"For my brothers - with You."
May 15 - Weaker.
"Most tender Lord, give me Your arms. I am returning to our home with the tiny steps of a small child."
May 18, 1950 - Ascension Day.
"Don't love's preparations already bring joy to the heart of love? ( ... ) What are you going to say to Me on arriving? What am I going to say to you? Oh, this moment of the Meeting! Put your whole soul into it. Believe in the infinite tenderness. You realize that you are too timid. Then venture out on My love. Hope. Come, My beloved, come and tell Me everything you have not dared to say."
May 23 - Communion of the Sick.
"Poor little soul, you've waited to the very last minute of your life to believe in My boundless compassion, in the final forgiveness. Have no more fear of anything. It would wound Me if you were afraid. Surrender your whole being to love, my beloved:'
May 24 - "No more strength. I can scarcely see. I'm scarcely
                                                      able to love You."    _
"Take My eyes. Take My voice. Take My love."
May 25 - "Have I come to the end of my life? Is this the moment when I celebraie my first and last Mass? Where are You, loving Presence? ... And afterward, what will it be?"
"It will be 1. It will be 1.
Forevermore :'