Friday, 24 August 2012

COMMENT: HE AND i "I am the Host. You are the monstrance."

Thank you, William,
The contacts increase regarding the search of COPIES of the Book.
Following your Amazon find and source, we have another to send for a Sister in the Philippines.
PS. The task of proofing the Online version of "HE AND I" is a challenge. In spite of scanning by copy%paste there are skips. I wanted the random quote of 1940 March 29 shows the gap. See below.
Yours .. Donald

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William W...
To: Fr Donald ...
Sent: Thursday, 23 August 2012, 20:21
Subject: [Blog] HE AND i

Dear Father Donald,
He and I....  I have been gradually trying to edit (format, align, etc) the 'pirate' copy of the text that I 'grabbed' off the internet link (albeit incomplete - any little part valued), with three emotions: vexation at my editorial progress, absorption (yet toiling with frustration owing to the distraction of editing), and guilt ("but I shouldn't be doing this"!). This evening I pasted the ISBN number into Amazon in a moment of despair, and there-and-behold three UK sellers, each with a copy! I took the first one at (£14.75). I took the ISB number from the weblink copy: ISBN 2-89039-807-2.
This wonderful book, through your introduction, has become daily a delight to ponder- and soon! without the textual frustration (and sense of guilt).
Thank you indeed for such a companion spirit.
with my love in Our Lord,
PS. eg - this one entry has held me and searched me whenever in company, especially after receiving the Blessed Sacrament:
May 19 Paris. 
In the 'metro'.
"I am the Host. You are the monstrance. The golden rays are the blessings I give through you."

From the PROOFING   

March 29  – 1940
In the country. In the great hall: "Perhaps I talk to You too familiarly?" 
"But since we are on family terms nothing could give Me greater pleasure. One who understands My desire opens his heart at all times. I have so much love for a soul that its faintest call finds an echo in Me. Don't be afraid of expressing yourself. Put your mouth to My ear. I'm listening."

While I was digging around the hydrangeas.
 "Be one with Me in My toil as a carpenter. It is not what you do that matters, but the way you love Me while you work. And love is oneness. Give Me the spectacle of a soul engulfed in its Saviour, and this will be joy, My joy."

In a country church, seeing that I was making no progress, I said, "Lord, I've come to the end of looking after myself, so I'm putting myself entirely in Your hands".
 "If you only knew what a joy it is for Me to count for something in a life at last. I can make a new woman of you.""When you were little you wanted someone to take your hand when you crossed the street. Ask Me often to take your hand, because you are always little. Don't ever think that you can do anything good without Me."

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