Tuesday 7 August 2012

Moschus, John (c.550-619), Pratum Spirituale, Spiritual Meadow

       Moschus, John (c.550-619 or 634), retired to the monastery of St. Theodosius, near Jerusalem in 575. He later traveled extensively with friend Sophronius and visited numerous monasteries in Egypt, Mount Sinai, Antioch, Cyprus, and Rome. His personal experience of the monastic life along with his travels abroad brought about his well-known Pratum Spirituale. Spiritual Meadow.

TUESDAY 07/08/2012
Second Reading
From the sayings of the desert fathers as related by
John Moschus and others (Patericon 196: csea, Scriptores Aethiopici 54,118-121)

Repent and return to the Lord
Repent and return to the fear of the Lord your God; hold firmly to fasting and prayer, to supplication and contrite tears. Give me the occasion to praise you: I long to lift your good works in sacrifice to God with the sweet fragrance of your fasting, almsgiving, prayer, and compassion for the poor. Then, in union with my brethren the angels, I shall be joyful of countenance; then will the Holy Spirit come down upon you, and you will forthwith be counted among the righteous and holy people who are to hear a joyful verdict on the day of judgment.
Turn back to the Lord, Christian soul, by that repentance which is the readiest path to him and is pleasing in his sight. What is repentance? To repent is to leave your sin, to forsake your craving and abandon your former way of life. It means that you must undertake self-discipline by frequent fasting and constant prayer, and serve God in compunction, never wearying night or day. Make it your business to love the poor, for this is better in the Lord's sight than sacrifice. Retrench your bodily luxuries, satisfying your soul instead, and purify yourself of your stains, that you may know the sweetness of the Lord. Then the Lord's light will shine down on you, and you will be safe from the temptations of the enemy, for the Lord has promised to welcome those who come to him and to show them his mercy.
Now listen carefully: you must stop accumulating worldly things, and give up excessive eating and drinking here on earth, otherwise you, will forfeit what the Lord has promised to the good and righteous, So your alms deeds will even now be building you a spiritual house, and your lamp will shine in the kingdom of heaven with the oil of your kindness. You must believe that word which our-Lord spoke in the holy gospel: I am gentle and humble and my burden is light; come to me, you whose load is heavy, and I will make it lighter for you. O poor soul, your sins are many, but God's mercy is greater than the sins of all the world. Draw near to God's forgiveness and mercy, and he will send the light of his Spirit on you. Wash away your sins with tears, and it will redound to your advantage.
Look now, I have explained everything to you clearly, and given you repentance as your way of life; it will bring you near to the Lord, and will yield you the fruit of paradise to taste. Clothe the poor in your own garment to protect them from the winter's cold; fill their bellies with food as you multiply your own fasts. Repent and return to the Lord and approach his great mercy, because he has promised it to those who call upon him. Remember, Christian soul, that our Lord has warned us: No one knows when his time will come. Run swiftly, then, in pursuit of salvation, and offer your sacrifice. Labour to acquire patience, humility, a silent tongue, purity, and love of the poor. Strive to gamer righteousness. If you do all this, good things will come your way. Praise and honour be to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, forever. Amen.


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