Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Anniversary of the laying of the foundation-stone of Nunraw Abbey

Nunraw placed under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Monday 22nd August
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Anniversary of the laying of the foundation-stone of Nunraw Abbey

1500 people attended the foundation of the new abbey of Nunraw 22 Aug 1954.
Drenched by the showers on the open site, the concourse was not damped in the spirits of the faithful..
It may be possible to find the archive picture of the crowd - we search.
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Stone of Foundation - Novice today photo

D.O.M, - Per Matrem Eius Mariam in festo Immaculati Cordis Illius, 22 Augusti 1954.
Today, 22 August, we celebrated the Queenship of Mary.
In fact it is a special anniversary for Nunraw Abbey. It marks the historical day of the laying the foundation of the monastery on the 22nd August 1954. The calendar of the date of that day recalls a much more important celebration. As the Octave of the Assumption we celebrated the three Nocturns with 12 Lessons of Feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary. The Readings commented on the words "his mother kept all these things in her heart" by Bernardine of Siena, Serm. 9 of Visitation, and Bede the Ven., Hom.1st Sun. after Epiph.
The evolution of the titles of Mary is very interesting, even rewarding in the significance of the outlooks in Marian understanding.
The Most Pure Heart of Mary, the Immaculate heart of Mary, and today the Queenship of Mary.
Most of interest and significance to us is the Feast of the 22nd August as it isengraved on the Foundation Stone dedicated, D.O.M, (Deus Optimus Maximus) Per Matrem Eius Mariam in festo Immaculati Cordis Illius, 22 Augusti 1954.
The memory remains fresh for so many who came to make it the Marian Year Pilgrimage of 1.500 of the faithful. It was an open air Mass and apart from a tarpaulin over the altar we were all drenched by the heavy rains.
In a recent years, one of the later elderly Knights of Columba ushers for the occasion, produced a memorable document, he had saved from the debris mud when tidying up after the 'rally'. It was the text of the Homily of Dom Columban, the First Abbot, who preached. (The text is contained in the Necrology page of the Website).

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