Friday, 7 September 2012

2. Royal Road of the Cross; Night Office The Imitation of Christ Bk.2 Ch.12


Thank you, William,
We are coming close to the Feast of 'The Exaltation of the Cross'. 
I have edited slightly the text of the Cyber Library translation of  Bk.ii, Ch.XII of Imitation.    
It is good of you to set me in pursuit of Joachim Jeremias, and have found others  hot on second hand books.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William W- - -
To: Donald - - -  
Sent: Friday, 7 September 2012, 15:25
Subject: Re: Kempis - references to the Cross

Dear Father Donald,
How 'co-incidental' - I was this morning in the bookshop, and was very taken with a translation of the 'Imitation'... but [happily] resisted, to now receive the on-line resource you discovered with so fine a translation - thank you!  It is a very 'striking' extract you researched from the Night Office - so many references to the Cross... which repetition brings quietness and opens the heart to acceptance "lead you to the desired goal where indeed there shall be no more suffering"
I too was sitting up late last evening (but not as late by equivalent rest hours as yourself!), entirely engrossed in a book that has become a 'text book' for me (which means I have given in to the temptation to underline and write in the margins) - Joachim Jeremias, 'New Testament Theology, Vol.1, The Proclamation of Jesus'. The theology is not presented under 'aspects' of theology but in the order of the life and teaching of Jesus. It colours in so many threads for me in the Christology tapestry, revealing the figure of Jesus even more clearly.The focus of last night's chapter was (page 181) "the gift of being a child of God stamps the whole life of Jesus' disciples.. which becomes clear in three ways: being a child of God brings certainty of a share in future salvation / everyday security / and courage to submit to what is unpredictable in the divine will" - "in particular, it is suffering that appears in a new light where men are conscious of being children of God"... "Nothing happens without God. Jesus believes that unconditionally. Stronger than all questions, riddles and anxieties is the one word, 'Abba'. The Father knows."  
"Leave consolation to God; let Him do as most pleases Him.  On your part, be ready to bear sufferings and consider them the greatest consolation, for even though you alone were to undergo them all, the sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared with the glory to comeLet this be the final conclusion -- that through much suffering we must enter into the kingdom of God.
Thank you for sharing with me the keys upon the keyring that leads to the discovery of such heavenly treasure!
With my love in Our Lord,

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