Monday, 10 December 2012

Thomas Merton [1915-1968]

Dear Br. Geoff,
Thank you, for this welcome 'memorial' of Fr. Louis. (10th Dec)
Our community intercession is for Fr. Louis, and we remember our OCist Brothers at Chipping Norton.
In Dno.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: brabo.....
To: Nunraw ...
Sent: Saturday, 8 December 2012, 12:52
Subject: Thomas Merton [1915-1968]     

Dear all,
Just to remind you that on Monday, the 10th December, we will remember the tragic death of Br Louis (Thomas) Merton.
I leave you with this Wikipedia page is accurate:
Rereading his inspiring autobiography 'The Seven Story Mountain' again, recently, I was struck by the following quote, which is probably very appropriate to reflect upon on the anniversary of his death:
'I was not sure where I was going, and I could not see what I would do when I got (there). But you saw further and clearer than I, and you opened the seas before my ship, whose track led me across the waters to a place I had never dreamed of, and which you were even then preparing to be my rescue and my shelter and my home...'
Your, with brotherly love,
[Br Geoff, OCist]
O.Cist Website:
If we have not silence, God is not heard in our music. If we have no rest, God does not bless our work. [Thomas Merton]

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