Friday, 18 January 2013

Antithesis: 'circular' , 'tension', 'magical'

COMMENT:  a fundamental aspect of the life of Jesus  

----- Forwarded Message -----
 William W ...
 Fr Donald ...
 Thursday, 17 January 2013, 13:50
 Re: [Blog] Antithesis

Dear Father Donald,

Your insight into the antithesis in the writings of the Saints has blossomed into colour in my lectio bringing me sheer delight!

The Office of Readings, presenting the reading for Wednesday from St. Irenaeus, offered an intriguing 'circular' reference:

"Through the creation the Word reveals God the creator; through the world, the Lord who made the world; through the handiwork, the artificer; through the Son, the Father who begat him... The Father is the invisible of the Son, the Son the visible of the Father."

The delight of antithesis was even stated on Thursday in the reading from Sirach, writing of God in his creation (which is itself filled with 'tensions'):

"All things are twofold, one opposite the other, and the Lord has made nothing incomplete: one confirms the good things of the other.."

And then Hans von Balthasar, in "Does Jesus know us - do we know him", the book by my bedside which you recommended to me, writes of the apparent contradictions in the Gospels (page 68) and gives - for me - the reason why all such fine writings bear this hallmark of antithesis:

 - "since the tension of the truth demands it".

I read in Sacra Pagina how in the Greek text a saying was occasionally highlighted by the use of the 'double negative' - like the antithesis, it makes the reader pause for thought! The example was Jesus' words in Mark 1:44 to the leper who had been cured: "Do not mention this to anyone". The Greek reads, "to no one nothing" (magical!). The key word for me followed: "This verse also contains a certain tension, since Jesus will send the healed leper to the priest whom he will [is bound to] inform of his former condition and his healing".

This "tension", is for me, a fundamental aspect of the life of Jesus, indeed, of our spiritual life, and is thus present in the most treasured writings.

Thank you for granting me such enlightenment!

With my love in Our Lord,

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