Sunday, 20 January 2013

He and I, Gabrielle Bossis Jan. 1938

'Tenderhearted': a 'concordance' of the pages of HE AND i shows occurrences of the word 'tenderness' and cognates, on 155 occasions.

"go up higher. Hide yourself in the Cleft of the Rock." (Hisheart).
The thought spreads; Dictionary of Bible Themes: 5966 tenderness ...

Ephesians 4:32  (RSV)

...and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.


January 1 -  Keynote for the year:  
"This year you will love Me in My brothers. Do for them what you would do for Me.
If I give you favours of tenderness, it is to encourage you to stoop to make sacrifices for your  brothers. Give as you have received. I want to go down to the very heart of your heart and make My home there. It will be simple and habitual."

January  2 - While I was mending my gloves, I was wondering, "Does this count for love?" And He replied,
 "When I was planing wood, didn't this count for the salvation of the world?"

January 4 - "Consolations? Give them to others."

January 15 -  Notre Dame. During my stations of the cross before leaving for Brest.
 "At each of the stations you will think about My love."
 In the train.
"Be careful. I want you to go up higher. Hide yourself in the Cleft of the Rock." (Hisheart).

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