Dear Josephine,
Thank you, your Journal is collected here in 5 Email.
Following your Holy Places, is a great sharing in your experiences.
It it is a joy to view up-to-date pictures, and the News, Obama was visiting the next day.
You will now be looking back o the FMMs in Nablus Road.
Yours ...
Donald .
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jo McG...Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2013, 16:41
Subject: Journal
Subject: Journal
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From: Jo McG...
Subject: Journal from Jo
From: Jo McG...
Palestinian Christians celebrate Palm Sunday under occupation,
Subject: Journal from Jo
After lunch,I left alone and walked the ten minutes to the Kedron Valley. As I looked up at the steep side of the Mount of Olives,I thought,"I don't think I can make it so I can sit quietly at the Garden of Gethsemane and wait for the procession to come down!" It was very,very hot!!
banners,and flags) waving their PALM and OLIVE BRANCHES while joyfully singing their
Subject: Fw: Ecce Homo
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jo McG...
To: N......
Sent: Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 19:36
Subject: Ecce Homo
To: N......
Sent: Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 19:36
Subject: Ecce Homo
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From: Jo McG............
To: N....
Sent: Monday, 1 April 2013, 16:39
Subject: Ecce Homo Lectures
To: N....
Sent: Monday, 1 April 2013, 16:39
Subject: Ecce Homo Lectures
Friday, 22nd of March....Dr. Walter Vogels was back with us for three lectures on
ISAIAH in preparation for further lectures on the Servant
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In the afternoon, we went to join our Jewish brothers and
sisters at the KOL HANESHAMA SYNAGOGUE for their
Evening Prayer. I found it less formal than I expected but
very prayful, mostly sung or chanted. They were very
welcoming and we all enjoyed the experience.
Sat. 23rd of March.........A marathon day!!
8.30 -12.15 SERVANT SONGS -3 Lectures
These were a great preparation for HOLY WEEK.
2.00 -5.30 Our first three lectures on JOHN's GOSPEL
given by DR. MARY COLOE pbvm, an Associate Professor
in New Teatament at Australia Catholic Unuversity.
6pm...A beautiful MASS for PALM SUNDAY in our Basilica.
So we now enter into Holy Week. May it be a blessed time
for all.
Love, Jo. fmm
Sent: Saturday, 30 March 2013, 16:55
Subject: Fw: YAD VASHEM
Happy Easter to all.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jo McG...
Sent: Saturday, 30 March 2013, 14:53
From: Jo McG...
Sent: Saturday, 30 March 2013, 14:53
March 21st......8am Preparation for visit to YAD VASHEM by DR. DEBORAH WEISSMAN, A Jewish educator.
[ Visiting Yad Vashem? -
8.35 Departure for Yad Vashem - the central HOLOCAUST MUSEUM
We started with individual walks around the spacious gardens where hundreds of trees have been planted each one with the country or name of those who played a part in saving the Jews or contributed to the building of this beautiful museum. We then assembled at THE CHILDREN'S MONUMENT with the entrance sign, "The soul of a person is God's candle". It was very dark inside so we had to hold on to a cord rail to guide us.At one point, I couldn't sense the person in front of me and I thought," If this cord ends, I am lost and I cant turn back!" A frightening moment but nothing compared to what those children must have felt in their total darkness and no way out!! One and a half million had been killed!! FORGIVE US, LORD. I looked up towards the ceiling and beheld thousands of stars ( tiny lights ) signs of hope that light will fill our world so that all children will be loved and cared for.
After that, we wended our way through the General Museum which has 10 sections, each leading into the next one so we had to pass through all of them. Again I had the feeling of "no turning back" and feeling lost in the midst of so many alcoves and exhibits! It began with an audio-visual of Jewish life in Europe before world war 2 and immediately after, some evidence of the end, the so called "FINAL SOLUTION to the JEWISH PROBLEM"! Then came thousands of exhibits - videos, interviews, photos, letters, documents, huge piles of shoes and Jewish books that had survived the burning, .......and what impressed me most of all, THE PERSONAL STORIES OF SURVIVERS,
[ Testimonies - The Holocaust - Yad Vashem
Holocaust Survivors are our main medium for the story of the Holocaust. Their testimonies play a central role in the understanding the events of the Holocaust as ...]
which were very moving and,at times heartbreaking! We made our sad way through sections 1-7 and found sections 8-10 blocked off! Why?
Obama was visiting the next day! There was so much that we didn't have time to see but hopefully, I may have the opportunity to go back again.
Love to all,
Jo. fmm
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