Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
Sunday, 23 June 2013
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William J. W...
To: Donald.....
Sent: Sunday, 23 June 2013, 19:53
Subject: Today's Gospel: Who do people say I am? The person of Jesus
From: William J. W...
To: Donald.....
Sent: Sunday, 23 June 2013, 19:53
Subject: Today's Gospel: Who do people say I am? The person of Jesus
Dear Father Donald,
I am fascinated by today's Gospel... and have been meditating about it before I knew it was scheduled, the study of Christology being alive in my mind.
My study book is "Christology - a Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus' by Gerald O'Collins.
When someone tells us of someone they have met, our question is inevitably, 'what kind of person are they, what are they like?'
The mission of the Twelve had clearly been asked this question about Jesus, but even more directly - 'who is He'?!
Peter answers for us, and are we not so often considering how we might then have answered regarding the person of Jesus...
The identity of a person, who they are, what they are like... we 'feel' our way through life's introductions, so what of our meeting with Jesus?
If we turn the question to our embarrassment upon ourselves, what kind of person are we? what is our identity? what / who are we like?
Do I represent Christ as I follow Him, is my imitation a true representation of Him? The question to the Twelve must have needed this answer.
I do not think I dare to take this reflection further than that of the prayer of the publican...
It begs the question of us - WHO ELSE do we want to be like, if not Jesus?
This passage in the Gospel is the litmus paper of our faith.
... in Our Lord,
Dear William,
Thank you.
You were in bright hearing the Lord at V20 He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’
You are the best Reader for a tutor, and stear me to more details from Gerald O'Collins.
Our organist was away to serve the Mass at our neigbour Parish, over from the Lammermuirs, at Duns. I asked Fr' Raymond to bring his camera to the place of Blessed John Duns Scotus.
So we have the famous Immaculate Concepthion stained glass window in the RC Church.
Potuit - Decuit - Ergo - Fecit (Dun Scotus)
Pictures attached.
... yours Donald

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