Monday, 19 August 2013

Gabrielle, 'Did she make pilgrimage to the Holy Land?

YOU AND i, Gabrielle Bossis


The location of Gabrielle’s movements are rare. There the line, Didn't you understand that when you were in Jerusalem and prayed on Calvary’, may need some biographical details help.


August 19 -  In a moment of depression.
"Keep going. Be steadfast."

September 6 -  In the empty house.
 "I am always crucified before the Father, who sees all time in a single instant. I am always the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. And since I am yours, why don't you offer Me more often to heaven from the depths of your heart? It is always now. Didn't you understand that when you were in
  Jerusalem and prayed on Calvary.

Tenderly offer your sacrifice for the world. Aren't there others weaker than you? Can they rise up without Me? If you wanted to save a person very dear to you and this beloved person refused your help, how much you would suffer! I want to help the world, and the world refuses My help. Speak to the Father about His Son on the cross, so that He will let Himself be touched and send light to these hardened ones who do not even look at Me. You know how one speaks to a father who is watching his son die? Won't this father hasten to carry out his child's last wishes? Remind Him of the words 'Forgive them for they know not what they do.' It is always now.

And if He forgives, what will He not do? Do you know the outpouring of any love like His? A love as vehement, as faithful, as all - consuming, as full of delicate and incomparable sweetness. A love that is all readiness. It is now this love. It is always now."

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