Friday, 8 November 2013

Saint Catherine of Siena (+ 1380), Doctor of the Church, was a Dominican, stiqmatist, and papal counsellor.

Friday, 08 November 2013
Friday of the Thirty-first week in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Saint Luke 16:1-8.
 "The children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light. (v. 8)
Catherine of Siena (Saint)

A Prudent Approach to Apathy
To make holy desire grow in you and not flag, I want you to open your mind's eye and come to know God's unspeakable love for you. In love he gave you his only-begotten Son, and that Son gave his life for you in such blazing love that it should melt the hardness of any hard heart.
Here focus your mind's eye, considering and pondering the price [paid for you], God's Son. In his blood wash your soul's face.

Wake up and rouse yourselves from the slumber of apathy! And once you've washed, be sure you put on the white of purity and the colour of blazing charity, both of which you will find in the blood of the Lamb. I want you to consider ... that you cannot have this purity of mind and body if you are ... setting your love and desire on ... created things apart from God's will. Nor is it compatible with selfish love or physical self indulgence. No, it is won with very earnest watching and prayer, and with continual remembrance of your Creator and constant acknowledgement of God's unspeakable love for you.

After you have acquired purity in the way I've described, you will see that there is no service you can do for God, and so you will extend your love to your neighbours, doing for them the service you cannot do for God. You will visit the sick, help the poor, and console those who are troubled. You will weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. I mean you will weep with those who are grieving in deadly sin by being compassionate and by offering continual prayers for them in God's presence. And you will rejoice with those who are glad because they are true servants of Jesus Christ crucified, always happy to be in their company.
Catherine of Siena (Saint)
From The Letters of St. Catherint of Siena. Vol. II, Suzanne Noffkc, O.P. Tr. MRTS Vol. 203 (Tempe, AZ. 2001). Copyright Arizona Board of Regents for Arizona State University, Used with permission.
 St. Catherine of Siena is a saint, mystic, and doctor of the Church. Here are 8 things about her to know and share.
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