Wednesday, 5 February 2014

COMMENT: 'Gold mine', Hilary & Ambrose, Augustine & Eckhart

Dear William,
COMMENT in your Email sums up ‘Gold mine’ of Augustine and Eckhart.
Thank you for insight and illuminating.
The theme surfaces the Google 320,000 results from the Net.   
(+ 1597)
Fr. N. is to be President Celebrant for the Martyrs St. Paul Miki and Companions, Japan.
Yours ...

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014,
From: William ..
Fw: [Blog] Gold mine!

Dear Father Donald,

You have opened up for me a wonderful resource in the you tube presentation on the mysticism of Meister Eckhart by (the great) Bernard McGinn - a veritable 'lecture library'! I can never find adequate time to fulfil all the spiritual study I desire, but this is so accessible... the Philosophy link is a library in itself! I will savour these articles and links you provide (especially the presentations on Eckhart), thank you!

I am delighting in the consideration of the place of allegorical interpretation - especially: "Ambrose and Hilary use allegorical techniques in order to get away from a semantical reading of the Bible. They regard Scripture as a crystal being able to reflect interpretations Christological or ecclesiastical issues."

You open up so many fascinating avenues - your Blog is itself a gold mine!

...  in Our Lord,

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