Sunday, 9 March 2014

[Blog] Mary the Burning Bush Icon. COMMENT:

[Blog] Mary the Burning Bush Icon

COMMENT from William
On Sunday, 9 March 2014, 14:39,
William J. wrote:
Dear Father Donald,

What a fascinating icon! (I will savour it...). As fine art is a visual medium for reflection and meditation, Icons are the visual medium for leading into contemplation. As you have taught me there are some wonderful illustrations on Google [I searched on "Neopalimaya Kupina"], but I realize that had I skimmed them earlier, I would not have appreciated nor understood them -  there lies great subtlety and hidden meaning in the icon. If the artist is described as 'writing' an icon, then indeed we should 'read' it, and not just see it!

I think I would be quite content in my cave in the desert - with Icons on the walls, the Psalms in my memory, a Bible in my hand... but for the present, I really could not do without the internet in order to locate and understand the treasures I would wish to take with me!

It is such a delight to share in your Blog!

With my love in Our Lord,

To: William
From: Donald
Dear William,
Your immediate diving into the waves of the ocean of Icons.
Thank you.
You surmise it has been happening into a kind of unveiling of the prayer of Icon initiation from amazing writers.
For the first Sunday of Lent this morning the books for Lenten Reading was distributed to the monks.
For my book, it is Henri Nouwen' Prayer on Icons... Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons by Henri J. M. Nouwen 
In fact, Wendy Becket has already cultivated the ground with the Eight Mary Icons survived from the destruction of the tragic Iconoclasm. A good friend sent us the book, 'Encounters with God: In Quest of the Ancient Icons of Mary Wendy Beckett'
It is learning. In the links of Mary the Burning Bush also refers to the the book of 'Spiritual Letters of Sr. Wendy'. It may have more instruction for  icon novices.
Thank you for the insightful encouraging.
God bless.
PS. St John Ogilvie our feast tomorrow.
Tomorrow, we begin Novena of St. Joseph (Scotland Solemnity) for Vocations.

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