Thursday, 1 May 2014

Abbeys of Border Country - Paintings

Thank you, 
Canonbie falls & Peel Tower 

Tarrus above Langholm
Than you for the missing PEEL TOWER ...
and others.
You enhance further background to the Bored Country documentary.
Dear Father Donald,

How kind of you to show interest in my Borderland sketches and paintings.
I attach a copy of the Canonbie Peel Tower painting, and one of the Tarrus river mentioned in the programme (plus another sketch of Jedburgh and Sweetheart). We had some wonderful days out in those years when Edith could drive a car, and these sketches keep all those memories alive.

Thank you!
Melrose Abbey drawing by William
Abbeys of Scottish Borders
Dear William,
Thank you for the 5 paintings,
and added a picture of Peel Tower.

Programme on Cistercian Scotland another chance(4)
Andrew Milwain
To Me
Today at 11:08 AM
Success at last.  Managed to get linked up this morning using the URL you sent.q

Sent from my iPad

Border Country
William Wardle
To Me
Dryburgh Abbey
 Apr 27 at 7:16 PM
Dear Father Donald,

Thank you for these photographs - I do so wish that I had seen this programme. Br Barry has grown in stature each and every year, and will have been an excellent ambassador. Years ago, when Edith was well and able to drive a car,
I learnt of Nunraw from the custodian at Jedburgh Abbey! We would visit the three abbeys,      
Jedburgh Abbey

Melrose, Jedburgh, and Dryburgh, where I made many sketches; 
also Sweetheart, which I found enchanting
Lovely memories of days listening to the secrets of the stones!

With my love in the Risen Lord,
·                     5 Attachments OK Easter Fire Folder
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Dear Father Donald,  

The URL you gave worked perfectly, thank you! It was a real delight to see the whole programme - I had done a painting year's ago that included the peel tower featured in the programme, and Edith and I have visited many of the film locations. So, a double delight!

Thank you!


Sweetheart Abbey
Anne Marie Milwain
·                     To Me
·                     Apr 27 at 8:50 AM
·                     That looks good we will enjoy watching ...
·                     Anne Marie
·                     Sent from my iPhone
·                     Melrose Borders History(2)
·                     Me BBC 2 TV Melrose Abbey heart in the History Document Interview at Melrose Abbey. A monk from Nunraw Abbey was invited by historian Rory Stewart, to participate in the production. Br. Barry was warmly. 
·                     To Me
·                     Apr 27 at 3:12 PM
·                     Thank you.
·                     Very Interesting
·                     Easter Blessings
·                     ajc

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