Friday, 9 May 2014

Eucharistic Rosary Hour

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
 The quarterly NEWSLETTER OF THROSARY containing inspirational reading for meditation has been pleased to to send by THE ROSARY APOSTOLATE.
Once again, the pamphlet of the 'Eucharistic Rosary Hour' comes to hand, inspiring.
The Month of May, Mary accompanies us in Paschal mystery of Easter-tide.


Our cover picture is of a Monstrance; that is one of those beautiful stands used in Catholic Churches to hold the Sacred Host for public veneration at the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
This particular design might be entitled
Mary, Handmaid of the Eucharist, 
as it shows Our Lady holding the golden circle 
in which the consecrated Host is to be enthroned. Over Our Lady hovers the dove-symbol 
of the Holy Spirit
The wings of the dove encircle the hands of Mary
as if to renew and extend to our time, 
the wonder of her original role in the mystery of the Incarnation.

Most certainly Our Lady at no stage exercises the priestly ministry of consecrating the bread and wine of the Holy Sacrifice. But Catholic tradition remembers with reverence how once she stood beneath the Cross of Calvary and entered in a unique manner into the saving death of Jesus, her Son.

Padre Pio remarked that at every Mass, he saw this blessed event renewed. "Mary" he says accompanied me to the Altar and stood beside me."

St. Louis Marie de Montfort and that great disciple of his, in modern times, --- Frank Duff -- tell us, that in every celebration of the Mass and in every Holy Communion, we should give a loving attention to the Blessed Mother. We should invite her to prepare us and lead us to the Altar. Likewise we should allow her to help us make fitting thanks­giving to Jesus for the gift of Himself,

One of the most fruitful ways of making this preparation and thanksgiving, is by the devout recitation of the Rosary; --- for properly understood, the Rosary is a method of communing with the mysteries of Jesus. Each mystery is a "well-spring of salvation" from which we drink of the Precious Blood of the Saviour. Each mystery, as we enter into it, with faith, hope and love is nothing less than a spiritual communion, preparing us to receive the Blessed Sacrament of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
Our Lady's
Gold Rose
The Golden Rose is the official emblem of the Rosary Society. It was chosen because Mary herself wore a Golden Rose on her brow in Knock. At the Grotto of Lourdes she had a rose of the same colour on each of her two feet. Members are enrolled at any church where the Confratemity is established, and are bestowed with the Rose

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