Wednesday, 30 July 2014


 Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Wednesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
Commentary of the day : 
Saint Peter Chrysologus (c.406-450), Bishop of Ravenna, Doctor of the Church

Through Christ the teacher, O Lord,
instruct those you feed with Christ, the living Bread,
that on the feast day of blessed Saint Peter they may
learn your truth
and express it in works of charity.
Through Christ our Lord.
MEDITATION OF THE DAY (Magnificat com; courtesy of the Edit)

Saint Peter Chrysologus
'The kingdom of heaven is like ...”.

This is the kingdom of God, when no other will than God's prevails, either in heaven or on earth; when in the case of all men, God is the directing mind, God is living, God is acting, God is reigning, God is everything, so that, according to that statement of the Apostle: "God may be all in all of you."

"Give us this day our daily bread." He who gave himself to us as a Father, who adopted us as his sons, who made us the heirs of his goods, who raised us up in name and gave us his own honour and kingdom, he has directed that we should ask for our daily bread. In the kingdom of God, in the midst of his divine gifts, why does man in his poverty beg? Is it only when asked that a Father so good, so kindly, so generous gives bread to his children? And what are we to make of his statement: "Do not be anxious about what you are to eat, or what you are to drink, or what you are to put on"? Is he telling us to ask for that about which he forbids us to think? What do we hold? The heavenly Father is encouraging us, as heavenly sons, to ask for heavenly bread. He said: "I am the bread that has come down from heaven." He is the Bread sown in the Virgin, leavened in the flesh, moulded in his passion, baked in the furnace of the sepulchre, placed in the churches, and set upon the altars, which daily supplies heavenly food to the faithful.
SAINT PETER CHRYSOLOGUS Saint Peter Chrysologus (+ 450), Doctor of the Church, was the archbishop of Ravenna, Italy.

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