Monday, 21 July 2014

Tuesday, 22 July 2014 Saint Mary Magdalene - Memorial

Picture from: The Cathedral of the Madeleine • 331 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT -    

Mary Magdalene 1943  July 22  HE AND i Gabrielle Bossis

July 22 - "Lord, I should so much like to take Mary Magdalene's place on earth, because I knowhow sweet her love was for you." 

 "Offer it to Me, Mary Magdalene's love. It is yours by the communion of saints, for all time is present to Me. You find it difficult to believe in this treasure that your God devised for you. But just lay hold of it in all its magnificence, even though it is beyond your understanding. Above all, believe it. All that I have thought out for My children is for their good, not for Mine. Humble yourself in faith and love as Mary Magdalene did. Tell Me often in secret of all the ways in which you have grieved My heart. Be deeply sorry. You know how My heart listens. And if your heart is moved as you confess, what do you think Mine must feel?

Oh, My child, may love lift you above your usual ways. Like Mary Magdalene, learn to be a new woman, even to giving up your all. (...)
The sacrifice most pleasing to God is a cleft and contrite heart. What deeper pain could you have than to have little love? So take all the love of the saints and give it to Me as though for the first time. Ask Mary Magdalene to help you  -  she who loved so much." (...)

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