Thursday, 9 October 2014

Blessed John Henry Newman - in Nunraw's liturgical calendar

  1. Youtube 
    Blessed John Henry Newman is one of the Christian thinkers of the last three centuries.

    Pat McNamara Published on 3 Jun 2014

  2.  This meditation is one of his most beautiful pieces I've ever read.
  3. A Meditation by Blessed John Henry Newman
In the diocese of Lancaster, on the bulletin of the local churches, his feast takes prominence over other memorials.
I am so very pleased that he has his place in Nunraw's liturgical calendar!
With my love in Our Lord,

Fw: 27th Thurs. Blessed John Henry Newman

On Thursday, 9 October 2014, 10:46, 
Nivard ....wrote:

27 Thu Oct 9: Lk 11:5-13

How much more will the heavenly Father give!
What can we expect from God, especially when we recognize that he does not owe us anything and that we do not deserve his grace and favour?
   The Lord is ever ready to give us not only what we need, but also much more than we can expect. He gives freely of his Holy Spirit that we may share in his life and joy.
   Let us approach our heavenly Father with confidence in his mercy and kindness?  
Father in heaven, you are merciful, gracious and kind. May I never doubt your love. May we never hesitate to ask you for the gifts, graces, that we need to live as your disciple, through Christ our Lord.

Blessed John Henry Newman
I first heard of Newman when I was a small boy in Donegal during the war. Our schoolmaster happened to be a fan of Newman’s.
From time to time, he would tell us little stories about Newman.
So I had a fair idea of the great man when I entered the novitiate in England after the war. I found that Newman and the Second Spring was all the buzz in most novitiates and seminaries in the English speaking world and beyond. Like St Augustine and St Bernard he declared that his aim was not merely to instruct but that it was to touch the hearts of his audience. Recent Popes were very fond of him.
His secret was his ‘Cor ad cor loquitur’, Heart speaks to heart.
Pope Benedict emphasized this theme on his visit to the UK, at Strawberry Hill with the Vigil, before the Bl. Sacrament and especially at the Beatification in Birmingham.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is always speaking to our hearts.
We have only to open the door.
Fw: Blessed JH Newman
On Thursday, 9 October 2014, 20:06, 
William ... wrote:
Dear Father Donald,
Last year when I was with you, you very kindly obtained Abbot Mark's agreement to the celebration of Blessed JH Newman's feast, and how much joy it gave me to celebrate it with you! In his transparent honesty in his search for the true faith, he gave us so much... his writings influenced my belief across the years, and when I introduced his writings to the RCIA they too were caught up in his faith's expression in absolute honesty.
In the diocese of Lancaster, on the bulletin of the local churches, his feast takes prominence over other memorials.
I am so very pleased that he has his place in Nunraw's liturgical calendar!
With my love in Our Lord,
Hi, William,
Fr. Nivard had the Mass this morning.
It was special for the Mass only Blessed JH Newnman, not in our Ordo or Scottish Directory.
Has it been celebrated in Lancaster?
....... Donald
Sancta Maria Abbey: (Website),   Blogspot :, 

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