Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Luisa Piccarreta, 'immediately apparent' compare translations

Sancta Maria Abbey: http://www.nunraw.com.uk (Website)    
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----- Forwarded Message -----From: Donald .....
Sent: Tuesday, 19 May 2015, 11:31
Subject: Borders to Table

Discovered a source for FIAT Book of Heaven:      
Online: Fiat Volume 5 Redacted, Newer, Italian, Spanish.
Above Columns
Compare with the Publication 1995, Archbishop  + Giuseppe Carata. Below.
To be able understand the phrase '
it's immediately apparent whether the creature is acting and suffering in the divine way' (print) is facilitated from the Online texts.
Book of Heaven
October 27, 1903
As I was in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus for just a little, saying to me: “My daughter, to accept mortifications and sufferings as penance and as chastisement is praiseworthy, it is good, but it has no connection with the divine way of operating.  In fact, I did much, I suffered much, but the way I had in all this was only love for the Father and for men.  So, it shows immediately whether a creature has the way of operating and suffering in a divine manner; if it is love alone that pushes her to do it and to suffer. If she has other ways, good as they may be, they are always the ways of creatures, and therefore she will find in them the merit that a creature can acquire, not the merit that the Creator can acquire, because there is no union of ways.  But if she has my way, the fire of love will destroy any disparity and inequality, and will form one single thing between my work and that of the creature.”
October 27, 1903

The divine way of operating is only love for the Father and for men.
As I was in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus for just a little, saying to me: "My daughter, to accept mortifications and sufferings as penance and as chastisement is praiseworthy, it is good, but it has no connection with the divine way of operating. In fact, I did much, I suffered much, but the way I had in all this was only love for the Father and for men. So, it shows immediately whether a creature has the way of operating and suffering in a divine manner - if it is love alone that pushes her to do it and to suffer. If she has other ways, good as they may be, they are always the ways of creatures, and therefore she will find in them the merit that a creature can acquire, not the merit that the Creator can acquire, because there is no union of ways. But if she has my way, the fire of love will destroy any disparity and inequality, and will form one single thing between my work and that of the creature."

Book of Heaven

October 27, 1903

Only Love Makes the Creature Act in the Divine Way.

      I was in my usual state. For a little while, I saw my adorable Jesus; and He said to me,

      "My daughter, it is praiseworthy and good to accept mortification and suffering as penance and as a punishment; but it has no connection with the divine way of acting. I did much and suffered much, but my sole purpose in all of that was Love of my Father and of men. So, it's immediately apparent whether the creature is acting and suffering in the divine way: whether love alone is behind its actions and sufferings. If it has other ends, even if they are good ones, then it is acting only on the level of a creature. The merit that he receives, then, will be only what a creature can acquire, not the merit that is divine, since these two ways of acting are not the same. If he adopts my way of acting, however, the fire of Love will destroy every disparity and inequality, and will make as one the creature's work and my own."

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