Friday, 18 September 2015

COMMENTS following Fr. Edmond's teaching on St. John's Gospel

Thanks of Mary's Comments.
Adding William's COMMENTS like Mary T.  
     COMMENTS following Fr. Edmond's teaching on St. John's Gospel                                                                                       .

Fw: The Mystical City of God

Sancta Maria Abbey: (Website)     Blogspot :, Doneword :    |,   Emails:,

----- Forwarded Message -----From: William Wardle <>
To: Dom Donald.McGlynn <> 
Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2015, 14:43
Subject: The Mystical City of God

Dear Father Donald,

What a delight, thank you!     

Link saved into my favourites along with Gabrielle Bossis and Luisa Piccarreta - such gems that you have placed before me. 
I have noticed a change in my spiritual reading desire, away from direct theology to reflection and inspiration. 

Yes, I will continue inquiry into matters biblical and theological, but am now far more drawn and at ease with mystical reflection and inspiration.

    I hope you had a good Youth event yesterday, Nunraw being a blessing to them, both destination and providing the focal point, the Mass. I imagine you will have had a large gathering for which to cater! 

[Health] Yesterday .............

So it is a joy for me today to have access to the "City of God", and the abridged version will suit me well... a lovely surprise, thank you Father.

With my love in Our Lord,

Sancta Maria Abbey: (Website)     Blogspot :, Doneword :    |,   Emails:,

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: mary mcglynn <>
To: Donald McGlynn <>
Sent: Wednesday, 16 September 2015, 20:24
Subject: Thanks

Dearest Donald, (James Aloysius)
Many thanks for your good e-mail just received. ..... 

I had great memories of our holiday pilgrimage to St. Ninian's  Cave (one year many moons ago) when I saw your photo and read the interesting article. I think Mary Pat and Eileen were also with us that day, as I remember when we were driving off  you remarked how well and quickly their car was following us. Happy days.! 

I think the Irish like the Poles love a pilgrimage and sacred places where in fact, they sense a Presence and receive blessings. John Paul  once said  "When you go on pilgrimage on foot, you pray with your feet. Even today such pilgrimages  to very distant Shrines are popular in Poland e.g. from the North of Poland to Krakow in the South. It takes several days and hospitality is offered on the way. One of the Novices told me that before she entered  a group of about 20 from her village went,stayed over a night or two and then took the train back home.   

By the way, I continue to receive so much blessing from "He and I " which you gave me a few years ago. It is truly a treasure. I have just become aware of how many times Jesus offers tips on prayer and am beginning to make a note of them.  What I love is the simplicity, humility and tender love of Jesus.  I love  Gabrielle and also Pica but this latter  is very deep and beyond me at times. 

Your Ecce/ Fiat salutation was perfect as it is very much in line with our spirituality. My first ring at Final  vows had the inscription "Ecce Ancilla Domini". A later ring had "Ecce  Fiat". 

I liked Fr. Edmond's teaching on St. John's Gospel. and have saved it for further perusal in Lent/Easter! as i am still going through your retreat talks which I find excellent..  

I hope you and all the  Brothers are keeping well, including our dear Brendan. 

As ever united in the hearts of Jesus and Mary  
Love and prayers 
Your ... sister, 
Mary fmm  XXX

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