In the Sunday of 20 September 2015 recalling from the Diary date of Gabrielle.
'consciousness by the route of the joyous ascension'
Sunday, 20 September 2045

Sponsa Verbi

He and I, Gabrielle Bossis 1945
September 20 - Le Fresne
Feeling utterly empty,
I was a little frightened at the thought
of what I was going to write.
"Why be worried, since I am
the one who is dictating? Do you think you would have been able
to put down anything all by yourself? My poor little child, you must be
sure of Me in you. Perhaps you do not seek often enough to
live within My aura - the aura of the Lover, the Mighty One.
Yes, that's what I am: this joy."
Friends had come a long way to
enjoy the moonlight
as they dined on the terrace.
"During these two hours of
poetry that seemed to pass so quickly, it was I who led
your conversation to the life beyond time.
Don't ever be afraid of pronouncing My
Name. Am I not the greatest of friends? You call Me your most
beautiful Love, and you are right. Then let Me look after everything in
your short life. It will not go for ever since the end of does come. So cherish
Me as a miser does his gold. How this would increase your charm, and through
that very charm, your influence. It is I who go from you to others. I love to find
channels. "
"Lord, make me a faithful and
ready channel. "
"Examine yourself often. See
if you play the part I have assigned to you with regard to others. I mean, the
role of giving Me to others. "
"Lord, it is always very imperfect.
"But you don't know. You
don't know what goes on inside the one to whom you are talking. Can you see a
soul? Can you see My grace? Oh, don't stop in your working - drive for Me.
One day you will see the result. Be the faithful little servant who works all
the better because she has secret converse with her most loving Master.
His is
not a love like any on earth.
It's a love of flame and of fire. Then
don't be amazed to feel your faculties alight, and to find that
after this converse
you have risen to a higher plane of consciousness
by the route of the joyous ascension. "
Feeling utterly empty,
I was a little frightened at the thought
of what I was going to write.
as they dined on the terrace.
His is not a love like any on earth.
It's a love of flame and of fire. Then don't be amazed to feel your faculties alight, and to find that after this converse
you have risen to a higher plane of consciousness by the route of the joyous ascension. "
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