We open each Liturgy invoking the Trinity. We close it by calling upon those same Persons.
Beginning the Solemnity of Holy Trinity, the Sign of the Cross can be given appropriate bodily actions as well described by someone.
1. With the Sign of the Cross, we trace the Trinity on ourselves.
2. We bring God into our minds first.
3. Then we bring the Trinity down to our hearts.
4. And, with our hearts filled with compassion,
we move the Trinity across our bodies to our shoulders and arms to better bear the burdens of our family and friends. (David Walker)
At the Mass we remembered James Simpson who was with us during the week. While with us he was grieving for his son, a young man, just past 20 years of age, who had been murdered. During the night James died of a heart attack. He died of a broken heart, as his family expressed this sad happening. May he rest in peace.
Abbot Raymond will be going to g of the Region of the Isles, (Superiors), 19-25 May. The Meeting is being held at the monastery of Tautra Mariakloster, Tautra, 7633