Sunday 29 August 2010

Augustine Memorial

Bishop and Doctor of the Church
St. Augustine  28 August 2010
Intro Mass                  (Fr. Mark)
Yesterday we celebrated the feast of St. Monica.
Today we remember her son, the many sided and highly gifted St. Augustine. He is one of the greatest pastors, preachers and thinkers of the early church. His influence remains with us through his many writings.
In spite of Augustine’s later greatness, as a young man he was lax in his life and slow to answer God’s call to conversion.
As we begin this Mass, let us be confident that God always forgives any lack of love in us.    
God our Father, your love follows us through our lives, even when we fail to respond – …
Lord Jesus, you are the living proof of the Father’s care for us. - …
Spirit of God, You are the love which makes our hurts restless till they rest in you. - …

Conclusion: God our Father, in your love hear us in our need. May your gifts fill our lives and our decisions be ever satisfied in you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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