Sunday, 28 October 2012

Bartimiaeus 30th Sunday Year B

27 Oct 2009
[CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA (c.150-215) was born at Athens of pagan parents. Nothing is known of his early life nor of the reasons for his conversion. He was the pupil and the assistant of Pantaenus, the director of the ...


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William .....
Sent: Sunday, 28 October 2012, 11:40
Subject: Re: [Blog] Blind Bartimaeus

Dear Father Donald,
I so well remember a homily on today's Gospel when attending a Mass the year we became, ..., thirty years ago - which says a great deal regarding the effectiveness of the homily presentation! The priest spoke for less than five minutes each Sunday. He began today's homily with a chuckle followed by, "What a question to ask a blind man!" He concluded the homily by enquiring of each of us what obvious question Jesus might have addressed to us, or rather, be addressing to us!
Pithy stuff! terse and vigorously expressive!
With my love in Our Lord,

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