Sunday, 28 October 2012

Cistercian "Fools of God" by Richard North

Google 28 Oct 2012
About 1,240 results (0.23 seconds)
The view from the window, in the south side of the modern Nunraw Abbey...... a UN-inspired peace-keeping outfit, and had run up to the monastery because ...... under the heel with fresh denim ('Do you repair your garment with new cloth?

Surfing, above, surfaced Richard North "Fools For God". And thanks to him, the Archive Online version is available in this Link.
His two chapters on the Cistercians at Nunraw show that he has some kind friends.
That was in 1987. Much stream has undergone under bridge in Richard North writing and, in currents, the flow continues on monastic life.
One article is gloriously apt. 'Being a Fly on the Monastery Enclosure'
Our "Fools For GOD" Link opens up a Midas of fruitful associations..

Richard D. North's Fools For God, an account of Christian monasticism (Collins, 1986) is available for free download More recently Richard D. North is the author of Rich is Beautiful: A Very Personal Defence of Mass Affluence and the just published Scrap the BBC!: Ten Years to Set Broadcasters Free.

North Richard D Environment Social Affairs 
MARCH 09, 2007
Being a fly on the monastery enclosure wall: Into Great Silence - Philip Gröning
Posted by Richard D. North
Into Great Silence
Directed by Philip Gröning
certificate U, 2005/2007
At my local art-house, there have been packed audiences for Into Great Silence. It's an exceptional account of life at La Grande Chartreuse, the mother Charterhouse near Grenoble in the French Alps. At two and three quarter hours, its running time alone reminds one of the challenges of asceticism. With no voice-over, no obvious narrative trajectory and vast amounts of silence, the piece is a challenge. 

Richard D. North asks, could Chris McCandless, a.k.a. Alex Supertramp, have made a good monk? Into the Wild - Sean Penn
Posted by Richard D. North
Spiritual extremism strikes a nerve now as it always has. We have recently had Into Great Silence [see my review: Being a fly on the monastery enclosure wall] the movie about La Grande Chartreuse and it demonstrates that such people still get formed and still greatly pique our curiosity. Indeed, in her book An Infinity of Little Hours: Five young men and their trial of faith, Nancy Klein Maguire has just given a very vivid account of how a handful of young men in the 60s disappeared themselves into the Parkminster charterhouse in England, and in hisFinding Sanctuary, Christopher Jamison, the Abbot of Worth, tells us that Parkminster is full of monks, right now.

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