Monday, 22 April 2013

Six times to let sense through, and so attune to His love.

Gabrielle Bossis.
April 17 
– 1948
Gabrielle's sentence gripped my wondering,
It takes some time to get her drift....
The syntax did not hang together.
There is magnetism in pondering, and in chewing the cud.

Gabrielle's words skip breaths. 
Then His voice listens, and His word switches on light.
'This is His love.'  'Is it so difficult to think of your Lord.'    

Gabrielle Bossis HE AND i
1948 April 17
"Lord, I should so love to live Your words, 
and I am always myself, 
still my old self."

 "Is it so difficult to think of your Lord? Is it so difficult to talk with Him and to keep Him company?

When you meet someone in a  waiting room, don't you instinctively approach that person and in a kindly way do your best to make the time pass pleasantly for him? And if he were a poet, or a scholar, or someone great in the eyes of the world, wouldn't you go even further and show more joy?

My child, it’s a God who is waiting at the door of your heart, a God who is all yours and who is in you. You open to Him when you talk to Him, when you look at Him, when you try to take your thoughts off the things around you so that you may turn them to Him with the utmost tenderness.

Don't think that this is a fable I'm telling you. It is the simple reality. But as it's all happening in the shadow land where everything is imperfection, you find it difficult to believe, and you are slow in acting upon it. That is why I am like that person in the waiting room. If only you could approach Me more often with all your kind charm, you might suspect My long yearnings. You might think, 'He's waiting for the world.' Yes, My little child, for everyone, and for such a long, long time... I came to Bethlehem to seek them and I shall go on seeking them right to the end of the world.

This is the patience of God. This is His love. Then how could you ever understand? Yet it would be very sweet to believe, wouldn't it? So quicken your faith by telling Me about it often. More often. Don't get weary: you will hope more and love more. It's your great God who wants you greatly, My very frail little girl."

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